today i noticed the forum for the strider 2.0 websites is completely open to the public... anybody can come here and troll for business prospects, look at your profile, see your flowershop name - do a simple google search - find your website and send you an into email or phone call --
no harm no foul - everything is out in the public areana
this is not howver anything i have done, but this is exactly what i would do if i was a webmaster targeting florists...
Phillip, what's that supposed to mean?
That you troll for prospects, mock the host here and it's all OK?
This has been by far the most open forum in terms of giving florist service providers a wide swath to promote their products. Vendors are just asked to respect the the TOU, not link-drop, not promote
ad nauseum, not contact members directly to promote their services
and not insult other members, especially the host who foots the bill.
You've ignored the TOU both here and on the "other board". You've tried to use other message boards to get florists to
join your own board. It's disrespectful to the both the communities and their hosts.
Phillip, I approved of the alert because your email to an FC member (whose names you got from trolling here) was so in character with your previously exhibitied disregard for our Terms of Use.
Additionally, you admitted to sneaking around here in assumed names and fake personas. We rely on members to maintain interity in their personal conduct here and not fool others as to who they are and the real reasons they're here.
And what happened to the client you 'shared' access with the last time, Daisy Floral aka flower_child, whose site hasn't been indexed by since 2006? You couldn't wait to
promote your company in a thread, under the ruse of being one of your customers.
Ever hear of a thing called
permission marketing?
Marketers will ask permission before they send advertisements to prospective customers. It is used by some
Internet marketers,
email marketers, and
telephone marketers. It requires that people first "opt-in", rather than allowing people to "opt-out" only after the advertisements have been sent.
I do not welcome the turmoil here nor the rewarding of bad -
repeatedly bad - behavior with membership. You've had 2 chances already (and maybe more) and neither time did you show this community or host respect or abide by the very simple terms of use.