My FTD FBC was in today....

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Originally posted by Luc
I think Audra, FTD Had plan to go in June for your Wedding, and that was their gift to you. I was also said that they where paying for the drinks that night...with all the cheesecake we can eat....
Have a good one today!!!!:D

Ha! That's my laugh for the day, thanks Luc - but somehow I can't see FTD springing for that one. All I know is I'm going to be sober for that one - bad form to be blotto on your wedding. The gift opening, all bets are off!

Weather Powers-that-be

Originally posted by Victoria
Luc....I LOVE the way you think. :)
Enjoy the day...the sun is blazing, the trees are straightening, birds are singing...

I hope it's at least half as lovely down there as it is up here - this is day five in a row of clear sky and pure sunshine. Let's hope the spring is here to stay!

Audra:D's DAY TWO....

after probably the worst snow storm all winter....
I'm doin some HEAVY DRINKIN today...just drinkin in the sun!!
In response to Boss (don't believe everything you read)

I can definitely say I see the whole wire service scenario a little clearer now, now that I've figured out how we fit into the big picture. In the big picture we are about the size of a pixel and less than that in the eyes of FTD. After I actually mailed my letter of cancellation to TF I received a phone call from them and was offered four months of TF free. All fees waived. March thru June.

You know my dilemna with deciding which WS to drop and was staying with FTD because of the website and symbol on our sign. The savings TF offered to us was more than enough to take care of both of those.

I can't say I'm now some ridiculous diehard TF supporter, just stating that TF was willing to keep us at a price and FTD basically said don't let the door kick ya in da a** on da way out.

We were in a real bad way financially trying to stay in the black all last year. I was desperate and remembered floristboard from a few years ago, so went there looking for help.

I had been trying to convince my mother that FTD is not sacred. You know how older people can get stuck in that tunnel vision mentality (not just older people I'm sure). She finally realized she needed to support whatever I decided to do since I pay the bills.

It was these boards that caused me to re-evaluate my view of why we belong to two wire services. After reading so many positive views, opinions, and experience of larger shops filling for one or both wire services I began to see a pattern. I am even guessing there are some smaller shops that are successful at it, but I have to conclude that most others are probably clueless as to what they are doing. Just a habit pretty much.

I have learned more from you guys in the last six months than I ever thought I could learn so fast. I am still trying to implement everything. I have to admit, change is hard for me, too. Big changes that is. Getting started on this flowersoft stuff is going to be a big change for us. Still waiting to rearrange all the computers before installing it. I think I may be sub-consciously stalling. I still haven't called Hills for cheaper flowers. It will change our whole way of doing things. All these changes involve too much of MY time and mental activity which I don't even have enough of to do what I am doing.

That is what happens I guess when you are small and one of you is 80 and likes to sit in the office in her rocking chair come the end of filling the orders, hey she's entitled, and another one is the husband who lives to shop but is forced to work and the other one is me who thrives on doing everything, but is working with the crew from Charlie Brown's backyard. Can't afford to hire another person, and can't possibly do it all, but is in denial and thinks she can.

I think after rambling on and on I have come to the conclusion that I am happy I finally started taking a day off every week (Thursday - today and see what I'm doing) as I was truly getting burned out. I still like to work on my day off, but I am unshowered and sitting in the office in my bathrobe. This makes a statement and that statement is - don't even think I am working, so leave me alone. Now I can get things done without any interuptions. One pitfall to living in your flower shop.

I really need to get out more. The walls are closing in on me.

:cool: But, I'm still cool and so is anyone who listened to my rambling. Thanks! AIN'T called "Chatty Patty" for nothin'!!...

talk about letting your feelings out...good for you..good for us too!!
Maybe we can ALSO quit "living" in our HAVE to admit, beside sleeping..where do YOU spend MOST of your time??
Hey Mikey...

Hey Mikey, my husband and I actually do live in our flower shop. Bed, loaded entertainment enter, two fridges, shower, kitchen, everything. No living room, so we don't have company much. Full basement, though.
Patty you need to get outside today!

Your not the only one who has to live in the shop!!!

Home is attached to the shop here but I do get out now and then:p
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