Need help and ideas for a funeral piece

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Ok.... Hope this works..
and again! Please be gentle.
I don't know why I'm so nervous about attaching this... LOL
Looking at the photo, with no flowers, it reminds me of a school project..


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They have the train engine and we'll set that and a few more track pieces when I deliver it. It's an antique so I didn't want to be responsible for it before delivery. We measured everything ahead of time and the tunnel is about 2" taller than the train so it should really look right on scale.

No flowers? You think it's OK without them?
It looks great to me! I would have wanted to add some tiny flowers such as wax or similar, but it looks fine as it is.
I just couldn't send it out without flowers. I know it takes away the "Proportion"....for lack of a better word, but I think it looks much better with some color and NEEDS flowers. It's a memorial piece... it's got to have flowers.


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I'll post final pictures and how the mechanics were done after I deliver it.
I added more boxwood pieces around the roses in the front too, to finish it off.
I'll take pictures after it's setup and post later.
Better get it delivered!
Thanks for the help !!

I liked it better without the flowers, I think its the spray cars that are putting me off, but it looks good either way anyway, well done!!
Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda's

I was afraid that it looked too Drab without the flowers. After I finished it off I liked it better than I did plain.
It was a quickie decision since I had to get it there fast. I think they wanted SOME flowers too, so I didn't want to disappoint them and have none.

Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda....
I think I should have covered the board with a roll of display moss to give it a more finished look.... I was a little worried about the budget... but as it turned out I did it all for next to nothing.
Wish I would have had a wider board to work on so that It didn't look so off centered when we angled it. That was really bugging me.

I took 2 14" styro wreaths and cut off a portion to make the arch.
I used plastic balloon sticks I had laying around and inserted them in to both pieces of the foam to create the front and back of the tunnel. I just cut the sticks to the lenght that looked good to me for the tunnel length.
I covered the whole thing with heavy tagboard and pinned it to the styrofoam. I then hot glued (ran out of floral adhesive) the moss to the cardboard and pinned it to the styro. The moss was was given to me by a customer from a tree that he cut down in his yard. We live in Oregon where this stuff is abundant :) Yeah for me!!
The two areas on either side of the front of the tunnel are just thin slices of oasis glued to the surface and then covered with more of the same moss. Pretty simple mechanics, really.

Finished Piece with train inside:
They LOVED It! That's what counts, right? :)

Thanks again for all your help and suggestions.
It was fun!!


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I too thought it looked more finished with flowers. Yeah, proportion, but they weren't probably looking for an exact scale model of a tunnel and landscaping.. just the idea of a train engine in a tunnel. I agree... they probably expected some flowers on it. If they didn't want flowers, why go to a florist to order it????

Good job!
I was afraid that it looked too Drab without the flowers. After I finished it off I liked it better than I did plain.
It was a quickie decision since I had to get it there fast. I think they wanted SOME flowers too, so I didn't want to disappoint them and have none.

Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda.... It was fun!!

It was fun! That's what counts at this point. You did a Great Job! We did one of these personal funeral pieces a couple years ago with a collector's Harley Davidson - which I had to drive to get (3 hours round trip). We didn't make a ton of money but it sure was a memorable experience.
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