New Hospital Regulations - Sault Ste. Marie

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We use plastic vases(not very classy looking I agree) for the psych unit, no card holder pic, use curling ribbon tie the card on with a paper punch hole, it works, and we can still deliver flowers to that unit! Yes, the loss of dish gardens would hurt all of us, I don't have any suggestions on that one.
We try not to send latex balloons to the hospital (too many people "think" they are allergic and some who really are) and having had mold problems with Oasis brand oasis in the past, if it is warm, it doesn't take long for mold to grow on oasis. BUT case and point, a bit of bleach in your soaking water should alleviate most mold problems (didn't for us and Oasis stated that their product wouldn't grow mold-but it does). Personally I think that what was stated before is correct, they just don't want to bother with patient gifts especially delivered by professionals but allow individuals to bring in things. Is this just one hospital or is it a "system of hospitals" who are going to this extreme? There could be no solution as anything overwatered or in the right climate could produce mold be it in material or in water.
Latex balloons are verboten here. No exceptions. Mylar are fin thus far.

Our hospitals will not

*accept any delivery without a full first and last name (absolutely no nicknames)
*No laytex balloons (no balloons of any type where oxygen is in use)
*no glass or ceramic

Psych wards rarely if ever recieve anything, and those that are there would probably enjoy them the most. Never understood why people don't wish them "well"

Funny the plant and flower mold issue is just showing up. When my son was young he had severe allergies and asthma to everything , this was always one thing I took precautions with because his nose could smell mold where the eye couldn't see it.

Knife's wife
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