New Member Registration Process

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Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
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FlowerChat Members,

The FlowerChat Admin Team has decided to review the way new member applications are handled. While nothing has yet been decided, we wanted you be aware that we are reviewing the process to determine what is in the best interests of the FlowerChat Community.

Thanks Ryan et al. :)

Thank you. As this is pretty much a non-profit, if you need volunteers for the efforts, help is available from NJ.


Thank you. As this is pretty much a non-profit, if you need volunteers for the efforts, help is available from NJ.



And London too... great idea Tracy. :)

hope this doesn't come as any surprise to most of you...many of you ALREADY have made an unconscious effort to keep this board clean, free of dust mites, and free of vermin!!
It's very gratifying to watch the "alarm bells" go off when one of you "detects" a less than desirable intruder.
My question is:

Do we now not want to also accept students, as wed do not know if they will be serious about the biz and are not yet professionals, along with hobbiests, and crafters?
I know that you guys will come up with a good solution, and if there's anything I can do, just let me know. Thank you for Flower Chat!
I know this board software has levels of memberships that can allow forums to be open or closed to different membership levels.
I know this board software has levels of memberships that can allow forums to be open or closed to different membership levels.
Jon, we're working on it OK....

Give us a day or two...
Jon, we're working on it OK....

Give us a day or two...

OK OK OK I STFU OK? :kuddle:

I got too much time on my hands - I slept about 1 hour last nite cuz my damm leg hurts.

Maybe I should go ride my motorcycle - not.

Maybe I can go stir some shid with Shel on da floristboard - anonymously.

just kidding.....
It was the original independent floristboard - spawned when we got too wild for the SAF board with our wire service OG bashing.

Once the best resource in the industry - alas - a skeleton of what it once was.....yet I see some great people still post there that don't come here.
Jon I check in on the floristboard every now and then there is nothing happen there at all. Funny thou it was through floristboard that I actually found flowerchat back in 2004

Was the FTD board (y'all remember that?) that brought me here...

Ry - if you need anything MAC oriented, let me know!!!


Thanks - really - for making this thing happen...SUCH a valuable tool. Whatever you & the team do is cool by me...err-a - just, don't outlaw us Mac users...we're just kind, adorable little fuzz-balls...

- H.
Didn't you love it when Bob Norton posted on the FTDI Board?

Was the FTD board (y'all remember that?) that brought me here...

Same here. The FTD Board was a lot a fun while it lasted!

Ryan, thanks for fine tuning the membership application process. It does need some re-configuring.
Reading all the new member intros gives me a whole new sense of appreciation for the FC Administrators! Geez! There are so many to read, I find it's taking up a lot of time. Please enlighten many votes are required for a new member to be accepted?
New members are accepted after their rep reaches a certain level. Each member carries different rep weight based on their length of membership and activity in the community.

It should take 2-4 average users or 1-2 people with heavier rep power. The title under a user's name will say "New Applicant" until they are approved. Keep in mind, the "promotion" process occurs hourly, so a user isn't promoted instantly when they receive the rep.

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