I've been reading for week or so now about this book. Eric after your post I decided to open and take a quick look, I agree, even if you did stock up, all stores operate different. Some carry and some don't. The reason for the book I understand, people got tired of being told, "I'll fix you up something nice, just give me $50". Imagine walking into a restuarant, sitting down and your server walks over and say's "we don't have menus, but we have a great chef in the back, fresh salmon and potatoes in stock, give us $20 and we'll whip you up something". I wouldn't want to take that chance.........I could write for days on this issue, so I'll stop...................
I'm not so sure what the solution is. We try to sell our house specials/menu items (15 - 20) to choose from and all flowers can be done in three ways, hand tied, vase or container/basket.................................................I think someone already added it up, if you bought the min of all these it would probably be over $2000 dollars.
I ask my CPA budy who does only florists, "what is the number one reason florists go out of business, he said, "they have to much stuff on the shelves". It wasn't labor, rent, advertising or any of the other things that I thought. So three years ago we tighten up, went to a 30 day rotation on everything (or our goal is to), so when the bill is due, its' sold. The containers in this book won't help with that issue.................