Not always fresh anymore....

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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2002
Elliot Lake
State / Prov
Some of you may know this already, but Tim Hortons has gone frozen. I found this oout about a week ago, when our local Tim Horton gets all of their baked goods done and brought in Frozen. It seems that Tim's wants consistency with their product. For me when a product is frozen, its not always fresh like their moto.
Mind you the coffee is still freshly done.
The good thing about this is that we are going to get the same at every tims we stop to.

Tim's has been getting their bagels from Maple Leaf Foods for a while. I may be biased (Janis works at MLFI), but I think they are quite good :)

I can't say for the muffins, etc.
The DUNDAS Tim Horton's stores...

of which there are TWO, both owned by the same customers of ours, were amongst the FIRST 10 chsoen to test the new frozen doughs for donuts and muffins.
The Donuts are fine, the muffins I DON'T LIKE!!
We've been guinea pigs for this NEW program since Dec 01/02
Mikey, better watch out for those donuts they act like those inflatable beach rings and go straight to the stomach or hips (depending on which sex). Haven't tried the bagels Ryan, afraid I'd get hooked; just drink the coffee (virgin).
Re: Coming soon to a florist..........

Originally posted by Luc
Some of you may know this already, but Tim Hortons has gone frozen. I found this oout about a week ago, when our local Tim Horton gets all of their baked goods done and brought in Frozen. It seems that Tim's wants consistency with their product. For me when a product is frozen, its not always fresh like their moto.
Mind you the coffee is still freshly done.
The good thing about this is that we are going to get the same at every tims we stop to.

It's coming soon to a florist near you!!!!
Freezer fresh flower arrangements mass produced and all identical.......simply place in the oven on low for 15 minutes and it's ready for consumption (sale)!!!

It's a good thing FTD hasn't figured out how they do it yet........but look out I'm sure more changes are coming in our business too!!!

Just goes to show you that like with any business you start out doing one thing "Fresh made donuts" and then after every Tom, Dick and Harry decide that it's a great idea and start intruding on you're turf (Donut shop on every corner) you've got to cut corners to survive!!

And yes it's happening in our business too....just look at the order gatherers!!!! So now we have to cut corners and come up with new ideas as well, just to stay alive!!!!
Just wait till Canada gets more Krisbie Kreme locations....
Tim Hortons better figure out how to reverse their direction on frozen before they start to go the direction of McStrave I mean McDonalds... When I was growing up, you could get a decent sized burger, now you need to order 5-6 to get a decent amount of food from McDonalds. McDonalds is going around trying to find out why they are losing market share etc, it has to basically do with the fact if they would increase the size of their meat and other basics they would get customers coming back, and stop listening to the nutty media who is on this health kick to strave the people.

In my opinion.
My future father-in-law informs me that it's Parkers' brand coffee. Apparently one his of people is the union rep for the people that package it.

Audra, well all I can say is I'm disappointed! I thought that Tim's had their own blend though I can't say I've ever thought about it before; I must see if Parker's is available here.....
Or you could move to Scotland, make a commercial and Timmy's would send you all the coffee you could ever want in your life time. ;)

Everything edible at Timmy's has the official seal of BLAND stamped on it.
Why? It's a franchise like any other, god knows that we've got enough mediocre chains courtesy of the States, why not give them one in return?

Who doesn't drink coffee ever.
I agree, I've been to a Tim Hortons in the beautiful State of Michigan. It was full of people and all drinking coffee like it was the second coming.

Can't stand coffee. Sour stuff.
I don't know what the big deal is...

Originally posted by Audra
Why? It's a franchise like any other, god knows that we've got enough mediocre chains courtesy of the States, why not give them one in return?

Who doesn't drink coffee ever.

I don't know what the big deal is with Tim Horton's. I live in Detroit area and I've seen 5 or 6 of them within 10 miles or so. I went there a few times cuz they have good iced cappucchino. I hate any fast food coffee. Too strong. I like my own. I tried their soup in a bread bowl, no biggie. Arby's & Burger King are the best in my book. For fast food that is.
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