O.J. Simpson/Please Recognize Victims Of Domestic Violence

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Aug 27, 2005
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Many of you are aware that I am a DVRT (Domestic Violence Response Team Counselor) Please join me by wearing a purple ribbon on November 30th and support victims of domestic violence. I received this message today from my DVRT Specialist Coordinator. ~Dianne~

Please feel free to share the following message with all those that may support us in our efforts to remember victims. ~Penny~

You are receiving the following message on behalf of Joyce Campbell, Director Community & Government Relations.


Many of those who provide counseling and emergency shelter to victims of domestic violence are outraged by the publication and forthcoming sale of a book describing the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. In an effort to turn that anger into something positive for all who endure domestic violence we ask that you join us in wearing a purple ribbon on the day O.J.Simpson’s book goes on sale: Thursday, November 30th.

The purple ribbon signifies domestic violence awareness and provides a fitting way to recognize and honor the memory of all of the victims of domestic abuse, including Nicole Brown Simpson, if worn on November 30th.

“Our reaction to this book and its accompanying publicity is to ask that people consider the victims and their families and demonstrate their rejection of violence and its exploitation,” says Jean Metz, Director of Providence House Domestic Violence Services of Catholic Charities. “We will be happy to provide purple ribbons at no cost and to provide additional suggestions for ways to increase awareness of domestic abuse and to let others know you reject violence in all its forms,” she adds. You may contact Jean Metz at (856) 824-0599 or Joyce Campbell at (609) 394-5181 for more information or to obtain purple ribbons.

If you or anyone you know is experiencing violence at home, please call the 24-hour hotline of Providence House Domestic Violence Services at 1-800-246-8910 or 732-244-8259. Remember, domestic abuse will only worsen over time, if not addressed. Help is just a phone call away and Providence House provides counseling and emergency sheltering free of charge.

Penny Paparteys
DVRT Specialist
Providence House Domestic Violence Services of
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton
[email protected]

The Providence House mission is to end the cycle of domestic violence through education,
empowerment and advocacy; while providing a safe haven from abuse.
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I can barely stand to see a picture of O.J., much less buy or read his book. The level of my wrath prevents my saying more right now.:fdevil: :soapbox:

We'll be wearing our purple ribbons and distributing them at my shop the week of 11/27-11/30. Thanks for posting this.
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I can barely stand to see a picture of O.J., much less buy or read his book. The level of my wrath prevents my saying more right now.:fdevil: :soapbox:

We'll be wearing our purple ribbons and distributing them at my shop the week of 11/27-11/30. Thanks for posting this.

NO kidding, If anyone buys his book...... shame on them.... The SCUM has some kind of deal set up where none of the profits will go toward the judgement against him by the Goldbloom family. What about the kids - can you imagine having a dad who talks about butchering your MOM?
The sub-human species is as morally bankrupt as anyone I've ever seen. May his comuppance happen sooner than later, and be as agonizingly slow in its progress.

This applies to the publisher and Fox as well.

and at every Buffalo Bills game his name is up on over the box seats with all the other famous players that deserve, his name it makes me sick! I wish his name could be removed!!!
I just sent your message to everyone on my email list and offered to provide all the ribbons they could get anyone to wear. Hopefully Columbus Mississippi will be covered over with purple ribbons on the 30th!!
Thanks for the little push and organization. I have been just discusted since I read about the book! Love having a little quite way to protest.
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The TV show AND the book have been CANCELLED!!!

Good job to all who sent in!~
The TV show AND the book have been CANCELLED!!!

Good job to all who sent in!~

Here's a writeup from this evening's news. Thank God reason and moral responsibility prevailed.


By DAVID BAUDER, AP Television Writer

NEW YORK - After a firestorm of criticism, News. Corp. said Monday that it has canceled the O.J. Simpson book and TV special "If I Did It."

"I and senior management agree with the American public that this was an ill-considered project," said Rupert Murdoch, News Corp. chairman. "We are sorry for any pain that this has caused the families of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson."

A dozen Fox affiliates had already said they would not air the two-part sweeps month special, planned for next week before the Nov. 30 publication of the book by ReganBooks. The publishing house is a HarperCollins imprint owned — like the Fox network — by News Corp.

In both the book and show, Simpson speaks in hypothetical terms about how he would have committed the 1994 slayings of his ex-wife Nicole and her friend Goldman.

Relatives of the victims have lashed out at the now scuttled publication and broadcast plans.

"He destroyed my son and took from my family Ron's future and life. And for that I'll hate him always and find him despicable," Fred Goldman told ABC last week.

The industry trade publication Broadcasting & Cable editorialized against the show Monday, saying "Fox should cancel this evil sweeps stunt."

One of the nation's largest superstore chains, Borders Group Inc., said last week it would donate any profits on the book to charity.

Simpson was acquitted in 1995 of murder in a case that became its own TV drama. The former football star and announcer was later found liable for the deaths in a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the Goldman family.

Judith Regan, publisher of "If I Did It," said she considered the book to be Simpson's confession.

The television special was to air on two of the final three nights of the November sweeps, when ratings are watched closely to set local advertising rates. It has been a particularly tough fall for Fox, which has seen none of its new shows catch on and is waiting for the January bows of "American Idol" and "24."

The closest precedent for such an about-face came when CBS yanked a miniseries about Ronald Reagan from its schedule in 2003 when complaints were raised about its accuracy. The Reagan series was seen on its sister premium-cable channel, Showtime, instead.

One station manager who had said he wasn't airing the special said he was concerned that whether or not Simpson was guilty, he'd still be profiting from murders.

"I have my own moral compass and this was easy," said Bill Lamb, general manager of WDRB in Louisville.

For the publishing industry, the cancellation of "If I Did It" was an astonishing end to a story like no other. Numerous books have been withdrawn over the years because of possible plagiarism, most recently Kaavya Viswanathan's "How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild, and Got a Life," but a book's removal simply for objectionable content is virtually unheard of.

Sales had been strong, but not sensational. "If I Did It" cracked the top 20 of Amazon.com last weekend, but by Monday afternoon, at the time its cancellation had been announced, the book had fallen to No. 51.
Sales had been strong, but not sensational. "If I Did It" cracked the top 20 of Amazon.com last weekend, but by Monday afternoon, at the time its cancellation had been announced, the book had fallen to No. 51.
As much as I would like to believe that News Corp. "did the right thing" and cancelled for the proper reasons, I have little doubt that the above statement more accurately portrays why Murdock REALLY cancelled this debacle.

The money just wasn't adding up. Thank God for small favors.
DVRT Update...A Victory!!!

I received the following e-mail from my DVRT Coordinator today. Great news, indeed! A few statistics on domestic violence:
Violence against women is a costly and devastating problem in the U.S. On average, three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends each day and nearly 500 females over age 12 are victims of rape, attempted rape or sexual assault.
My DVRT is on call 24/7. Most of the calls I respond to occur between the hours of 1AM-4AM. It is a wonderful feeling to volunteer and make a difference to someone in need of compassion and assistance. I am blessed to be a member of my team. ~Dianne~

Dear Friend:

You did it! News Corp., the parent company of HarperCollins and the FOX network, just announced that it has cancelled the O.J. Simpson book and television special "If I Did It," which was scheduled to air next week. Read the breaking news story at www.cnn.com/2006/SHOWBIZ/TV/11/20/oj.cancel.ap/index.html.
This is a direct result of your activism -- your calls, your emails, your pressure on the company and its affiliates. Now the nation will be spared seeing a violent batterer recount two murders he claims he did not commit. Thank you for your hard and productive work! Now we can all go back to what we do best -- working to prevent violence and help victims. Congratulations on this tremendous victory!
Esta Soler, President
Family Violence Prevention Fund

I add my appreciation to all of you for your support on this issue. This is truly great news for grass roots activism!

Penny Paparteys
DVRT Specialist
Providence House Domestic Violence Services
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton
[email protected]

The Providence House mission is to end the cycle of domestic violence through education,
empowerment and advocacy; while providing a safe haven from abuse.
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Dianne I used to be a volunteer with Victims Services where I used to live. One of the criteria to be involved was to take intensive courses on dealing with all possible situations.

Women abuse was the most intense. That and child abuse held the most mine fields for me.

I'm glad we all were successful in torching that book and programme.

As pleased as I am that the book and TV specials have been withdrawn, I do wish that every news report about this subject would quit showing the villain, that evil person, laughing and signing autographs. It seems that he delights in any publicity. What a............well, you know.
As pleased as I am that the book and TV specials have been withdrawn, I do wish that every news report about this subject would quit showing the villain, that evil person, laughing and signing autographs. It seems that he delights in any publicity. What a............well, you know.

He freely admits he'll do anything for money. Sadly there is a faction in society who will continue to feed this sorry excuse for humanity.

Bumping this thread to remind all today is purple ribbon day- please do it for all victims. This is a horrible crime that is not recognized or well addressed in this country. Please do it for them, please do it for me.

Thanks for your support and posting the reminder!

If you know of anyone in need of assistance, please break the silence and contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline Tollfree 800-799-7233 or visit the website www.ndvh.org for professional and confidential help.


The Purple Ribbon Campaign to end Domestic Violence:

Bruises women have sustained at the hands of their abusers.

It is time to remind our country of the hidden secrets many

women and children face daily, in their nice warm pretty homes!

Hidden behind closed doors.

In a place they thought at one time would serve as comfort and love.

These Women Could be:

Your Best Friend

Your Mom

Your Daughter

A Co-Worker

A sweet, quiet neighbor


There are many faces in domestic violence.

There is no stereotype situation

Strong Powerful Women, Stay at Home Wives and Mothers,

The President of the PTA,

The clerk in the grocery store.

A CEO in charge of a corporation.

The Woman Being Abused Can Be ANYONE!

The only trait this woman will have in common with all the others is,

she know's all too well,

how to hide the abuse

from others.

She carries her scars inside,

and hides the bruises from your eyes.

She needs to know, and we all must join hands to show her


So often, time and time again, a woman being

abused hides the abuse.

She is embarrassed.

She has very little self value.

It has been stolen from her, by her abuser. She usually demonstrates low self esteem.

She feels like a failure.

She walks alone, afraid to let anyone in.

She feels no one will understand.

She feels worse yet, you will judge her.

I beg you, my fellow sisters,

to stand for this woman.

To take her hand, gently.

To be there to listen, without judging.

She needs a true friend.

She needs a shoulder.

She needs you.

Her life may depend on you.

Get Involved!!!

Check out the purple ribbon project below:

Dianne, I'm going to post a copy of Why Purple along with our bowl of purple ribbons. This week and day of recognition needs more attention than it is getting!

I am a business owner, home owner, Masters level educated woman, who has raised 2 wonderful successful children. For years when I was working in the hospital I would advise other women to "get a restraining order" as if it was a simple thing to do, out of ignorance. This past weekend I became a victim.
The person I have shared my life with for 6 years trashed my store twice in two days, threatened me with a knife and stalked me. I had to close the store for two days and when I finally came out of my home, he chased me with his car--right into the police station.

It has been a horrible, very scary and frustrating week. I learned that the perpetrator has more rights than I do and that getting a restraining order is no easy task. I spent a day in court and have to go back again-with a lawyer- in two weeks. I am very afraid. There are no LOCAL support groups, and all the HOT LINE numbers were closed for the holiday weekend.

I got one H##l of an education this weekend! I am afraid for myself and family and furious at the system as it is now. Things have to change in this county, I can not imagine a poor uneducated woman trying to get through what I have gotten through the last week. Purple ribbons are not enough. As soon as my own mess settles I will be doing whatever it takes to help in my town. Until then the doors remain locked on my shop , only letting in those who ring the door bell, and I AM AFRAID.
Lorrie, This is terrible for you.

I have been very fortunate in my relationships, I also have worked in hospitals where battered and threatened women have come in. This is an emotional hell that you have been put through. I wish there was something I could do to help you through this.
Lorrie, God bless you and keep you safe. What a nightmare! Please know that I am praying for your safety and for your tormentor's passage out of your life! Scum that he is.
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