I’m writing this because there seem to be some rather loose definitions of an OG (Order Gatherer,) a DOG (Deceitful/Dishonest Order Gatherer) and HOG (Honest Order Gatherer.) What follows is MY definition.
As always, there is plenty of room for modification, alteration, addition or deletion!
As always, there is plenty of room for modification, alteration, addition or deletion!
- An OG is a floral business entity that intends to make all, or a substantial portion of its revenue by accepting orders that will be transferred to a florist for fulfillment.
- A DOG is an OG that exhibits One or More of the following characteristics:
- The OG actively solicits orders outside its geographical location by means of LOCAL Telephone Directory ads, LOCAL media including Radio and Television, LOCAL Newspaper or other print media
- The OG, via Pay-Per-Click or other sponsored Internet advertising uses techniques to ensure that the OG’s ad or website appears when a prospective customer searches for terms such as “Florist in Denver,” “Flowers in Sacramento,” etc.
- The OG obtains multiple URLs or Company names that deceptively describe the company’s location. Examples might include, “sacramentoflowers.com,” or “Joe’s Sacramento Florist.”
- The OG publishes, without the florist’s permission, a list of florists in various cities that are supposed to be examples of their “preferred” or “special” network of florists.
- The OG “cloaks” the physical location of his facility such that it is difficult or impossible for a customer to determine the OG’s actual location.
- The OG “includes” the delivery charge in the price of the product, does not inform the customer that the prices include delivery, does not tell the customer the value of the delivery charge, and adds an additional Service charge to the price.
- The OG “skims” the order by not forwarding the entire amount that the customer paid for the product and delivery to the fulfilling florist.
- A HOG is an OG that does NONE of the above.