Hello to all...I have not been on much lately because I have been very busy. I have had back to back weddings, starting in april a bit quiet in july and then back at it august, sept, oct and finished with a bang, two homecomings last couple weekends two weddings each weekend and I worked it all alone. I am a small shop, trying very hard not to hire help except for occasional wedding or holiday help and I have found that I can handle far more alone than I ever thought I could alone.... I have at last resigned my last wire service, FTD so as of Jan I will no longer be in any book. I perused the new TF book comments and all I felt was huge relief at not being a part of all that anymore. I have said in the past I originally did wire services to get my name out there as the newbie, however I have to say I don't think in the overall look back that that did a whole lot for me. I have also come to see, patience plays a huge role in growing, word of mouth is absolutely the best way to grow in a community. I do my very best, endeavor to be on top of latest trends, and give the biggest show for the buck I can give and its paying off. I have NOT missed the wire services at all. I went thru mothers day last year with just one wire service after three MD's with three wire services and it went so smooth and so easy and I MADE money without half the extra help and delivery problems. I am in this for the long haul and its brick on brick, one customer at a time and what they say to others is huge. I donated a vased arrangement for a certain value to a cancer fund raiser thru another business a few days ago, the lady came in to use the gift certificate and told me she wanted it because she had seen my work and heard such good things about me, and that she had been in my shop before, I made sure she left with way more flowers than the certificate said she would receive, and she commented that she was sure....the value was way over what she was supposed to receive. In talking to her I had found that she was a breast cancer survivor, and I told her...this arrangement is going to be bright and beautiful and NOT PINK...because I bet you have seen enough pink. She was so happy.....and thats what this is all about! If we remember that what we do makes people happy, makes them feel special, consoles their grief and gives them comfort, helps them celebrate the best times of their life, first baby, first prom or homecoming, first love, wedding...the list goes on and on...and we get to be a part. We all have a niche to fill and I love finding mine and I am finding it. I love my customers I appreciate them and they know it. I love being a florist... and now after all that rambling I just want to say....(back to the topic) I love telling Just Flowers in particular that I WILL NOT FILL THEIR ORDERS EVER!! I love that I do not have to put up with their silliness. I have had them call me and send me orders of late more than ever before. I have gotten orders for towns as much as two hours away and they are clueless. Rejected them to get phone calls and I mean lots of them to get orders filled...desperation, I too think they are a dying breed, not too many people want to deal with placing orders that cannot be filled. I had one lady call me about an order I had rejected on phone or computer atleast 7 times. I filled it for her when she called herself because I was the closest shop to where it had to go...I got a fair delivery charge, made a beautiful arrangement and delivered it....it came back to me because....because we are the REAL FLORIST doing the real JOB not just processing paper requests and sending them off to anyone they can .....we are Order gatherers but voice to voice and person to person taking care of the real business....of Flowers.....thanks for letting me ramble...hope you all have a wonderful weekend.....