I went and got the really good duct tape, waterproof, construction use. The containers were not glazed on the inside. Anyhow, did the inside, did the outside, tried it, seemed to be working, did the arrangement then all he@@ broke lose, and it was losing water like crazy, so we went next door to the bar, no we didn't drink, we got a cork off a wine bottle and tried that with cling working from the bottom, seemed to be working, called it a night, then went for drinks:drunk:. Came in the next morning, and guess what, leaking like a broken dam, so now I am flipping on what to do. Funeral is today and it is a big one for a very good client of mine, well Charlene says, I think I can pick up the whole arrangement and you can work the hole from the inside. Well what do we have to lose, either way we got to fix it, so we do it over or we get lucky. Mind you there are three pieces of foam in this sucker, well she undid the tape, got her hands around it and lifted it right out of the container, she held it while I found a plastic insert, dropped the insert in, dropped the foam and arrangement back in, watered, retaped and it was done. Just should of done that from the beginning, but did I, that would be no. Very stressful week with Joe dying, more on that later, right now I need a nap, or a drink!!!!