Update . . .
Knowing that people around the country are praying for you is one humbling and at the same time exciting blessing.
Visit to the nephrologist (kidney doc) today.
12-15% kidney function. 4.3 Creatinine level.
10% and 4.0 they say is usually the cut-off for having to go on dialysis.
Dr. was very positive about how well she seemed to be doing. (Erin likes this Dr.

For the time being he is postponing her dialysis port surgery (which was scheduled for 9/24). This is good.
He is hoping for a donor to step up before she HAS to be on dialysis.
She has had a couple of friends offer to be tested.
RJD: One of the transplant doctors is Dr. Julian.
THANKS for the prayers, thoughts and wishes.
Even though she is 27, she is still my "Baby Doll".
Side note: My Kathie was in upper AL commentating at a wholesaler Christmas Show Sat/Sun, so it was Erin and I.
Sun afternoon, I had to run out to deliver a funeral piece, when I left the store, I set the alarm, but left the front door unlocked! Yikes! :wide:
Sure enough, someone came by and pulled on the door. Alarm Co. calls the house, I am about 15 miles away, Erin calls to see if I set the alarm off, OUCH, I remember not locking the door. Erin offered to go turn off the alarm, as she is putting her key in the back door, an officer coming around the corner of the building, hollers NO, Don't do that! Scares her to death. It turns out there were two officers inside the store and probably would have drawn on her.
They turned out to be nice guys and wanted to stick around for small talk. Must have been a boring Sunday afternoon for 3 cars to show up.
Anyway, that was our excitement for the weekend. Erin made me take her out for Mexican food after that one. (I didn't mind at all).