Prayers for Virginia Tech

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For Mikey-

I respect your choice.

But don't understand how your thoughts of taking another life will satisfy and justisfy the original immoral act committed.

If your telling me it is wrong for a person to take anothers life of thier own free will, would you not being doing the same?

My friend... in my opinion destroying another life, along with your own isn't the solution. The result only ends up being an additional life being lost that might have done a lot of good for someone going forward (yours).

Eloquently written... and I concur wholeheartedly.

I'm not much of a "religious" person... more spiritual I would say, however, I'm sure there is a higher power, and to be honest, I don't blame that power. We all have the power of choice. Some choose the right path, some don't, either way, they own the outcome of their choice.

Pam, you and your family are an inspiration. It would be an honour to actually know you.

I received this e-mail from my Brother, I hope everyone will show their support!

Friday, April 20, Hokie Hope: Orange and Maroon Effect -- Virginia Tech family members
across the country have united to declare this Friday, April 20, an "Orange and Maroon
Effect" day to honor those killed in the tragic events on campus Monday and to show support
for VT students, faculty, administrators, staff, alumni, and friends. Everyone across the
country is invited to be part of the Virginia Tech family this Friday and wear orange and
maroon to support the families of those who were lost and support the school and community.

[FONT=times new roman,serif]I lived in Ambler Johnson Hall my freshman year at tech. I would appreciate it if everyone would wear maroon or orange on Friday. [/FONT]
[FONT=times new roman,serif][/FONT]
[FONT=times new roman,serif]Michael[/FONT]
OK, Mickey, I will say it another way, maybe it will help

Tom, I'm sorry, I do NOT believe in your enthusiastic portrayal of better things will come as a result!!

Mickey, your point is well taken, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for interpreting my thoughts your way.

At the age of 21, my brother was killed in an accident [I was 16]. People offered their condolances to our family saying that it was God's will. Mom said, "No, it was not my God who caused my son's death. It was an accident and accidents can sometimes be prevented."

So from that point on, Mom was "accident prone conscious" and encouraged others to be careful, accidents can happen quickly and easily and maybe you can prevent another accident from happening" THAT WAS A POSITIVE STANCE TAKEN ON HER PART. Who knows, maybe she saved the life or lives of others. She was not going to let this experience consume her life.

Virginia Tech was not an accident. But the results were the same as those for many other accidents. Better that the results of any horrible deed motivates others to do good and not spend energy seeking revenge. Revenge does not create a positive outcome. A successful revenge would not draw the wrath that the original deed caused nor would it cause any benefits, save the feelings of the revengor.
Look at us. Bickering on who shot whom. How big was his gun? How we should deal with him (the shooter?) Guns are prohibitive on campus. etc.etc.

No matter if guns are prohibitive on campus or any schools. If someone really wants to show up with one, he or she will find a way to get it in.
If someone who really have a pre determined action he will do it unless he is stopped. Looks at speeding. It posted and we always pass the speed limits.

Now Mikey comment on a life for a life...I In my eyes there is only 1 person that can take care of that and from what I have read. He will forgive you.
So Mikey as much as I feel your anger, someone else has spoken to him already about his actions.

However I do find it frustrated that these families involve wont have no closure with the shooter because he was coward enough to take his own life.
THat thier way of getting off instead of facing the music.

Frustrated, mad, at a whole bunch of other emotions is felt by all of us.
But we must keep our cool, because sometime our emotions talk for us first.
I hope I am making sense here.
To be honest Luc, I believe the word "closure" is not possible. The pain may wane, but as long as there is memory, there is no closure.

I watched a bit of Oprah today. She had a father and son (names escape me), but the son is a survivor of Columbine, his sister Rachel was not. He spoke quietly and profoundly. In essense he said let's change the focus to the wonderful lives who will be missed. Because the shooter is gaining even more power in death.

Prayers, thoughts and hopes

Tom, I second what you say there...
for once, words escape me.
my heart just aches that there is such madness afoot in our world.
positive prayers and thoughts ......

Couldn't have said it better.
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