I have been working on my TF website all day. We spent and hour changing prices on roses and such and hit submit and their system timed out. I was unable to switch around my items under Valentines day also. It has been a very fustrating day.
Their systems is a pain and laborsom to use.
We charge the same price that you see on the website in the store. If some one orders we let them have the web specials we run. Only fair in my eyes.
Tip for Timeout Errors:
1. In the eSAT tool when you're changing prices, look up each item individually by Item #. Have another IE window open to your TF website. Look at items that you know are ACTIVE on your website, search the item in eSAT, change the price and hit SAVE. You won't lose any new info you inputted, no matter how many hours you spend changing prices.
2. Double-check occasion category items by viewing the whole category in eSAT and pay attention to those that are checked INACTIVE. Check them through the teleflora.com ordering site. Choose ACTIVE if you want to include that item on your website, change the price and always SAVE.
3. When you *think* you've got all the prices changed, go to your live website and click through every page to check for new items that Teleflora may have added that you haven't yet discovered. If you find something, go back to Step #1 and either choose INACTIVE for that item or change the price and click SAVE.
4. Finally, Review your live website with eSAT and then Publish.
Another Great Tip my husband told me to try for those personal messages you can change, depending on whether the template you chose has the message option: create the message in Word first, center it and MOST IMPORTANTLY adjust the leading (space between lines), COPY and then PASTE the message into eSAT. Works great and looks the way you intended it to look! No wasted white space! I just wish they'd allow you to upload an image or at least accept html for personal messages.