Prom Season

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FlowerChat Administrator
Oct 31, 2002
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Submitted for your perusal... Smith's Body Flowers (note: customer only sees 10 per page)

What ya think?? I never would have guessed that we'd sell corsages off the web...we have replaced all the WS images for this catagory on our site, wedding coming this summer, as well as all other catagories...
BOSS said:
Submitted for your perusal... Smith's Body Flowers (note: customer only sees 10 per page)

What ya think?? I never would have guessed that we'd sell corsages off the web...we have replaced all the WS images for this catagory on our site, wedding coming this summer, as well as all other catagories...

I like the selection, looks good to me.
They look very fresh and fun. :)

Some of the images appear dark on my screen and I think the ones on the lighter, plain background are easier to see. Good prices. Have you though about offering a deal if the order for the matching corsage and bout are placed together?

Good idea to put them online. Sounds wonderful to have these orders placed over the web instead of having Mom and daughter discuss an $8 boutonniere purchase with one of our clerks for half an hour. :rolleyes:
Yes, the "plain" background looks to have worked out better... Trial and error... the darker ones will be replaced as we do this years prom orders and shoot pics of EVERY one made...

and yes, we cringe when we see the *Moms* coming too....
BOSS said:
Submitted for your perusal... Smith's Body Flowers (note: customer only sees 10 per page)

What ya think?? I never would have guessed that we'd sell corsages off the web...we have replaced all the WS images for this catagory on our site, wedding coming this summer, as well as all other catagories...
Beautiful, Boss... They are just beautiful.

Tim--North Port Floral
NPFloral said:
Beautiful, Boss... They are just beautiful.

Tim--North Port Floral

Gotta say.... I did not make any of them...all the credit goes to Debi... my head designer.... and Hal's worst nightmare :)
Your selections are lovely. I have to all of you sell wrist corsages for prom? Our girls all get nosegays, they average $50-75.00. They come in with their date and ask to see the bridal books. This is the biggest decision of their lives and YES...WE HAVE TO DEAL WITH THE MOMS ALSO.
I love working with the kids, but when Mom gets involved it immediately turns into a huge production.
It's coming soon, God help us all!
Very Nice!

This is about the best corsage web page I have ever seen! Tell me, do you charge different prices for wrist vs. shoulder corsages? Also, which one is your best seller so far?
Frank said:
This is about the best corsage web page I have ever seen! Tell me, do you charge different prices for wrist vs. shoulder corsages? Also, which one is your best seller so far?

Thanks Frank... once I get rid of the darker photos it'll look even better...

We used to charge 1.50 more for wrist...on the web we priced them with the wristlet, and if they order pin-on...bonus for us, we are no longer making this distinction and find that since 90% ar wrist it works easier...

Tropicanna is hot so far this year... orange/purple...time will tell, it's early yet
Kudos to you!!! Beautiful selection of corsages and boutonnieres. Do you mostly glue and what do you use for a base?
This looks great!
Pam said:
Kudos to you!!! Beautiful selection of corsages and boutonnieres. Do you mostly glue and what do you use for a base?

Thanks and... they ALL be "Hand-Wired".... no glue here average about 8 minutes or less...
Glad to see wiring. It's an art that some people have forgotten. We prefer to wire ours as well. Took a design course in the Netherlands 2 years ago and they taught wiring and taping corsages .... think I was the fastest one to do it ..... the rest hadn't used the techniques in ages. I also remember going to Ontario to take design courses ..... just when the oasis wedding bouquet holders were coming in. Had this girl across from my table (whom I clashed with) and we were being trained in using this "new invention" a bouquet holder. She snapped at the rest of us, thinking she was heaven's gift to the designing world, that "Anyone who would still wire and tape bouquets did not know what they were doing. It was a stupid thing to know!" It wasn't 5 minutes later that the instructor said "First we are showing you how to use oasis holders ... then we will spend time on wiring and taping, because if you don't know how to do it, then you aren't much good to a flower shop." Wish you could have seen her face.

Anyway, thank you and love your prom page and I will tell you now that I will probably steal some ideas ...... but I'm no where near you. Thank you.

P.S. We do some gluing as well, for people who might think I don't keep up to date .... but we certainly wire all prom corsages.
I keep thinking I should take the time to learn to glue corsages. I pretty much make all the prom and homecoming corsages myself and wire & floratape them. I don't really have any complaints so not sure why I keep thinking I should learn glueing. Maybe because so many swear by it and say you'll never go back once you learn.

Being a rather small shop it takes me all day 9-6 minus an hour for misc. to get them all done. Considering we usually average about 90 that would allow 5 1/2 minutes each. Give a little more for corsage and subtract a little for bouts so I guess I'm doing pretty good now that I think of it. My mom puts them in the boxes and puts them in the front cooler in alphabetical order. My time includes labeling the boxes and answering a few phone calls for more corsage orders too.

We don't get real elaborate on the choices either. We've offered carns or roses now for many years and there is usully only one gal or guy per prom that cares. We started adding some tulle fluffs (thanks to INKA a.k.a. kris) or whatever they're called a year ago. We also add pearls. They love these so we keep doing it.

As to corsages or nosegays? All WRIST corsages here too.

BOSS - great site!
Pam said:
Glad to see wiring. It's an art that some people have forgotten. We prefer to wire ours as well. Took a design course in the Netherlands 2 years ago and they taught wiring and taping corsages .... think I was the fastest one to do it ..... the rest hadn't used the techniques in ages. I also remember going to Ontario to take design courses ..... just when the oasis wedding bouquet holders were coming in. Had this girl across from my table (whom I clashed with) and we were being trained in using this "new invention" a bouquet holder. She snapped at the rest of us, thinking she was heaven's gift to the designing world, that "Anyone who would still wire and tape bouquets did not know what they were doing. It was a stupid thing to know!" It wasn't 5 minutes later that the instructor said "First we are showing you how to use oasis holders ... then we will spend time on wiring and taping, because if you don't know how to do it, then you aren't much good to a flower shop." Wish you could have seen her face./QUOTE]

Hmmmm..... she must have had a clone in the class I took at Flowers Canada in Guelph. ;)

Like everything worth doing right, it's good to know the theory behind it. Someday wired bouquets will make a comeback, and we'll know what to do. :)

Mark, the corsages and bouts are lovely and creative and thanks for the ideas!

Victoria .....

I took the FC courses too but that was back in '80, '81 & '82.

The course I took in Ontario that I was talking about was with Mike Blakenship in Font Hill in the '80's.
Pam said:
Victoria .....

I took the FC courses too but that was back in '80, '81 & '82.

The course I took in Ontario that I was talking about was with Mike Blakenship in Font Hill in the '80's.

I took it in the late 80's. Apparently each class and each location had a "god's gift to human kind" person in attendance. ;) I must admit to enjoying the discomfort she felt being dethroned. I'm not generally like that, but man... she made it so difficult for the rest of the class.

Beautiful creations and web page! Thanks for sharing!!! I must admit (gulp), I have got to be the s l o w e s t handwork designer ever but hopefully will improve with time. Nothing glued here all wired.

we only wire..

We have 5 High Schools around us, and I do about 500-575 corsages over a 4 weekl period. The most we do is about 250 a weekend for our Biggest school. I have tried the glueing thing but I think it looks cheap and I dont think it holds up. All ours are wrists and we avergae about $25 a piece.
Our town is all about the bling bling, rhinestones, lights! The fancier and gaudier the better.. I usually have about 4 people making all the dance orders and 1 double checking them as the box them up.
And once again our big schools prom is mothers day weekend!
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