Question for the dog owners.

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Our dogs are treated regularly for heart worm. It is a must in this area of the country.

Sadly, we noticed Abby, our older dog, seemed to be sick. We watched her for a day or two, and finally took her to the vet. Abby had been shot in her neck with buckshot. She's been at the vet's since then, being treated with steroid shots. We go today to discuss options. She is a sweet dog who has kept our greenhouse well guarded with her barks, even if she would run if anyone really came near her. Sad that she didn't run far enough or fast enough to escape the birdshot shooter.
Connie and family.

I am sorry to hear about your dog. May the Divine healing energy of the Cosmic be directed to your dog and to your whole family at this time.

Prayers answered, Doug and Tammy! Abby is doing much, much better! She's home and will survive, but because one of the pellets is lodged at the base of her skull at the top of her spine, she will walk a bit lopsided for the rest of her life probably. Amazing medicine! Great vet! Sweet dog.
I'm so glad she's ok, albeit abit lopsided. ;) So am I but not because of buckshot. ;)

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