Question(s) about This GREAT BOARD!

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Originally posted by George Simon
Why would you want to be invisible?

It goes along with that "Keeper of the Floral Underground" thing George...

But seriously... I don;t close my browsers much, cuz I run software to do certain things... thus I park them on FlowerChat (safe place to be) and go invisible at night, so folks dont; send PM's and get mad if they don;t get a reply...

Guess now, it'll just look like I'm here all the time :)
REAL FLORISTS and VENDERS use Flowerchat

See....Blue is alway's stirring up stuff...

But my stuff is from Brick and Mortor not some dude or misses who could care less where their paycheck comes from.

Hide Mode....Why? are we not trying to make a difference in what is happening with this Industry?
Wire Service Reps and the WS employees Hide here...oh and you think that they just might "get it" with what we talk about?

No Way... some of them use this room to intimidate and document those who speak out the problems with their compa ny who employes them so they can build a file to make themselves look good to their bosses.

Paranoid? no just telling you flowerchat Florists what I've experienced in the last week posting on a different FREE BOARD not this one where everything is CLOAKED... but when your offered to HIDE yourself while ON-LINE and you have to "register" to get here, it opens up a Can of Worms.

Peter knows what I'm talking about and If I'm wrong well then I'll just go away.
I don't get it, Blue.
If they are registered they can see all the posts.
What difference does it make whether they use the invisible mode or not?
Are you only going to post if you see they are not on-line?
Just assume that everything you post can and will be used against you. :dunno:
I have to confess ... It's been taken away, sort of. Not because I agree with Blue, I still don't see his point, but (George will understand) from a programming point of view I wanted to see if I could :)
yes george it is careful of what one say's on the internet chat boards.

it's a different ballgame than standing out on the streets with a sign with a group of people voicing opinions.
It's time to let this tread die down and move on with positive thoughts.

Forgive me...ok I said it.
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