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Other than the "singing" part....

there IS no difference Peter, and why I HAD to post this.
To gain the upper edge AND notariety, you gotta do things just a little "different" than the rest, and THIS one caught even MY attention!
By the way Doug, more and more "direct" order transfers are agreeing on the 90/10 split, either way, and I see this as the new "norm" if such a term could be used in the shop to shop transfer of orders.
10% is a pretty substantial commision to earn in ANY business, regardless of the product being sold, and it is ONLY GREED, that keeps commisions where they are!
I FOR ONE would far rather RECIEVE orders at 90% IF I MUST, than at 80% LESS a clearinghouse fee, and GET 10% for doing work I'm ALREADY doing!
I ALSO attest to the "NO CHARGE POLICY" when it comes to sending orders.....FTD's Merc Direct is VERY AFFORDABLE over internet than ANY dial up program available...makes it a VALUABLE selling tool for me.
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