Ricky, If the apartment is in your name, have this a-hole removed.....Let him wallop you then open a case on him, unfortunately you would probably have to endure at least a whack or two to accomplish this..But if his name isn't on anything, suggest he is there without your consent and have him gone...I know this is easier said than done and it sounds as if there is more going on than you are telling us..Fact is that we cannot help you if you are unwilling to help yourself...and staying in that situation and making excuses for him are keeping you in harms way, I know this is very blunt, but it is true and I say it because I don't want to see you get hurt..this is way different than feeling unhappy because of an overlt demanding partner, you said you are in fear for your life, this is very serious, and you need to act as if your life is in crisis...A life in crissi warrant action, not pleas for help from far away, not clandestine meeting with cops unwilling to help, not talks with pastors...Real action of getting off your ass and getting out and away to a safe place...
My guess is from news reports I have heard, many of the authorities in Texas don't belive in gay friendships so are unwilling to help in a gay dispute...Many a child has died in texas from staying involved and feeling trapped in Texas, they are years behind in acceptance and the danger is probably far worse that any of us even realize...I pray that you have things under control and if you don't you don't hem, haw and stick around for your stuff and risk your life, because as someone said stuff is replaceable life not so much!!!!