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Mikey the Flower Guy

It's a GREAT DAY to live, and love!
Nov 10, 2002
Dundas, Ontario, Canada
State / Prov
there are TWO people posing as John and Marg doing shop inspections claiming to work for some shop inspection firm up near Ottawa way.
They drive a brown PT Cruiser, and have a long haired daschund dog, that they "claim" is docile, and seem to be carrying a lot of paraphanalia in the rear cargo area.
Both are very smooth talkers, listen intently, then "sort of" curiously ask to look around your shop, see how it looks, in your coolers looking for product quality, at your business forms,even ask for copies of your business forms so that may keep a "record" of their visit with you.
Said they had shops in Chesterville,and Winchester, Ontario,and are just off for a couple of days visiting "friends" in the area.
Also, they wanted to know the quickest way out of town, because they were heading for Omeemee,and Peterborough, claiming to have "family" near these locations.
I told them I couldn't just write a blank cheque for their kind services,and would they accept a bottle of "My Vintage "Ice Wine"
as suitable tender,and they gratefully accepted the wine,and rushed out, something about the weather getting bad.
Be careful of these of them was referred to as "BIG BAD something or other"....
If they try any of that nonsense here, I'll bash them on the head with unsold FTD vases! The ones that I can't even move on eBay! Hah!

Or, if they show up tomorrow afternoon, I'll just feed them lots at our Open House.

Whatever works :)
Hey Mike,

If they come up my way, I'll have a little "chat" with them, and direct them to the local Grey Bar Hotel.

Only thing on tour up here today is the Mircosoft Xbox tour bus.



  • mimxboxonebus1.jpg
    16.2 KB · Views: 43
I HEARD that there was an XBox bus...

but never actually believed it until you posted that picture Peter!
Just IMAGINE for a moment, ANY of us EVER imagining this kind of software platforms 15 years ago!!
I coulda been RICH.....
Great success for your Open House Ryan...

may the walls be barren with currency in mind...


  • canada.bmp
    50.7 KB · Views: 16
Re: I HEARD that there was an XBox bus...

Originally posted by Mikey the Flower Guy
but never actually believed it until you posted that picture Peter!
Just IMAGINE for a moment, ANY of us EVER imagining this kind of software platforms 15 years ago!!
I coulda been RICH.....

I had never heard of the bus till I seen it earlier today, and went back to the office and looked for it on the Internet. It will be here for the Rally of the Tall Pines till Saturday night. When the Internet first got going about 92-93, I wish I had registered some of those top level domains such as and etc.

I'll email you a couple more of those pictures of the Xbox Bus if you would like Mike...
Thanks Peter....

a bus, is a bus,and just proving that it exists, certainly takes a lot of pressure off, and now I can sleep at night.
Thanks for the're a good man!!
Releaving floral aggressions....

Talk abour relieveing floral aggressions. I just used my XBOX to put a spear with a rope hooked to it though anorther guys head and then tugged till it popped off.

Anger managment at its best.
(Funny how I have been playing these games for 20 years now and never had the slightest urge to to go out and mow down a group of people with an uzi-on the other hand it has allowed me to make up some very unique curse words and put downs-Like: Eat That, Ring-tailed Lemur-Don't ask.)
I always thought the Monkey Island games had the best insults :)
My ninety-eight year old grandmother has bigger arms than you!

Yeah, but we both got better bladder control than you do.

Only once have I met such a coward!

He must have taught you everything you know.

There some good ones for ya straight from Monkey Island.

(Uh how the crap did we go from Shop inspections to Monkey Island.)

Sidebar: When you spell island do you say "is land" in yout head just to make sure you spell it right.
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