It was told in one of my seminar i attended for Pallative care that words cannot help the person who his or has loss someone in their life. The pain is there no matter if we know the person died suddenly or it is a lenghty illness.
The best medicine to help someone is to listen. Let them tell you how they feel, let them tell you about the person, let them talk and just sit back and do'nt say a word. A Hug at the end of the conversation is worth more words than a person can say. THe person that has to take care of someone that is dying need more help than a person can imagine. Prepare meals, babysitting the kids, giving her time to herself is more helpful ways to help.
Joanne, I can't tell you How you feel, because I am not in your shoe, all I can is offer my ear, my prayers, my morning "woodie", my Love,
Blessings and Hugs
P.S. If there is pallative care in your area, Use them! They will give you the time YOU NEED to recharge your energy.