"Silly Mommy" stuff

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Mommy's worry alittle different than the Dad's. It's 24/7 and I know you Dads worry too, but Mommy's...... what can I say but I'm a Mama too.
V, can't wait for an up date of the trip.... keep us posted.
Now chill alittle and have some fun too!
I know Dads worry. But I'm the main parent in her life, so the brunt of the worrying is done by me, by choice and by nature. ;)

I'm breathing better today, but still not sleeping. I'll eventually get used to it... someday, maybe, perhaps, oh hel l not a chance as long as I am breathing!

Thanks everyone... as I know, so will you my friends.

They're heading to Hell's Gate... I looked it up and included a link below. Someone suggested they have a drink for them... I suggested not while cycling with Leopards. ;)

" heading to Hells Gate tomorrow for more camping and some cycling with Leopards. Hopefully I'm faster than they are but I'm doubting it seriously."


:) Short but infinitely sweet as messages go. I'm just glad to see words!

Oh V, sounds like a wonderful adventure! I too, join the silly mommies on this board. Last year my oldest 26 yrs old, went to Las Vegas with GF. My kids always call upon arrival and at least one time to check in. Well, never heard from him, for a week!!! I knew the plane arrived ok, and finally called the hotel just to be sure they had checked in. Didn't leave a message for him, but wasn't pleased. But in the spirit of trying to cut the apron strings, I didn't make a fuss. I can however tell you that by the end of the week I was SURE that they had eloped and I was preparing to be seriously miffed. LOL
They arrived home just fine still single :spintongu. They were just VERY BUSY! Ahhh, they have to grow up sometime.
Anyway, prayers and good energy sent to you and Alana, hoping you'll share pics and stories again with us!
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Lord have mercy! What fun your child is having. She is enjoying and living life mommy. I wish for her angles to watch over her and loads of fun and adventure.
I'd as a mommy, be on the edge of my chair till she got home too.
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Can Alana do me a favour. Can she stop in Nigeria, I have about 42 million Dollars wating there for me. If se can send me my money, I will give her 10% collection fee so she can travel to Antartica after.

I actually already asked her to meet with with Reverend Insertaname along her travels. I told there there was big money in it. She wondered if perhaps I needed medication. The insolence of the child. ;)

Thanks for the giggle Luc.

AAAhhh! The Darlin' gal rides again!! C'mon now V... you are so proud of her too!
Here was I~~ Our lad just told us he was moving to BC... hmmm oh.. ya.. YAY! ?
She has her mom-isms in her and it seems like a coolio lad to travel with to boot.. I await pics chick!
I've missed you guys!.... but I'm baaaack!
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their next venture is already in the planning stages... it's Antarctica.


Hey my dear friend V.
You do know what the port of exit to Antarctica is?..NZ...so please tell Alana (when she decides to return) she has bed and breakfast covered in AKL before she heads off to the South Island, and the cold wonders beyond.
ps: Hope she has a great time on this trek :), sounds like another great adventure.
Franca! I'll let them know! As a matter of fact I'll message them today. :) It's great to know that their not the only ones who "know people". ;)

Jeannie, where have you been? Glad you're back.

Hi All:

Finally more news from the adventurers. I'm quite certain they are in their element and I can't wait to see pictures. For a change Alana has only lost a flip flop... usually it's a camera. ;)

Here is a link to Tsavo National Park... wow





Just tried to send a mass msg & erased the whole thing! comps super slow here! In Malindi on Indian Ocean halfyway between Tanzania and Somalia. Going to Lamu Island to the north in 2 days. Will try again there but am too annoyed today! Love you all.

12hr overnight train from Nairobi to Mombasa took 26hrs. Train in front of us derailed so we were stuck. I awoke to find beggars wandering the train freely. Should have gotten in at 9am got in at 9pm. Train ran out of food and booze. Got to see Tsavo NP in the day sitting with the door open and my feet dangling (lost a flipflop), while elephants walked beside us. BEST DAY YET!!!!!!!
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Woo hoo, I didn't have to wait a week for the next installment. :)

As for the armed guard... a great way to protect the remaining flip flop.


What you need for the 5 hr bus ride to Lamu. An empty stomach and bladder. A VERY good bra. A strong tolerence for the smell of vomit, a guard armed with a machine gun (something about Somalia I think). Oh and a super strong desire to reach paradise.
Well I am most certainly a silly mummy. Without a shadow of a doubt. My kids are the only things that generally make me completely irational.

Alana is so living her life to the full, she is not wasting a minute and i hope she has another trip of a lifetime!!

V, totally understand why you are feeling like you are, pls continue to tell us all about it as you are and we are here to listen if it helps. Gee, if it really helps i will drink wine virtually with you:eek:..

(sorry i missed this before)
I have a FULL LETTER! :) I'll post it later as I must get to work.

V :) :) :) :)
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If this doesn't work this time than just assume that I have put my head through a computer.
Things I have learned about Hippos
1. They sound like a cowing dying while eating a dog with a sore foot who is scratching a wimpy horse.
2. They have 4 inch thick skin that is bulletproof
2.5. They can run 30kmph in short bursts.
3. Don't get between a hippo and the water or it's young
4.The only creature that kills more than a Hippo is a mosquito
5. Camping near Hippos with only a tiny electric fence keeping them out seems like a good idea until you learn the above.
6. Tiny shock vs bulletproof? My money is on the Hippo.

That kinda sums up the first week.
Train ride was awesome. The other form of transportation to Matatu not so much. I am actually now referring to them as roaming coffins, which should provide you with the info you need to make a connection.

We are on Lamu now and it is pretty awesome. It's a Muslim Island so we are hearing prayers a few times a day starting at 5am and a lot of the women where full on Burkas. It's kinda neat to see on the beach. There are a few Massai here although I'm sure just for the tourists. There is also a huge Rasta poplulation and it all makes for a pretty cool experience. Lamu Town is from another time. Old stone buildings, some made from coral, super narrow alleys (streets) and no cars only a donkey or 500.

Past the town is what can only be described as the most gorgeous beach I have seen in real life or on TV.

We are here for another day or 2 than we are flying back to Malindi and making our way down the coast to Tanzania.

We are flying because neither of us are too keen on the bus back what with the whole requiring an armed guard thing.

Internet is super annoying here so I do apologize for the lack of communication. I do my email first and by the time I get here it is all effed up.
But at least I don't twitter first.

Hope all is well with everyone and I'm sorry I can't send out more.

P.S. For my mom only everyone else stop reading

Everything should be the same just do 300 on my card. I haven't used it yet.
Thanks for everything. You rock. I do get time to read your emails.
Love you tonnes
you guys all read this didn't you? (expletive deleted)
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okay, my laugh for the day......Thanks !
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V that was a fab letter. I so got a feel for where she was. She is also a funny funny girl, be sure to post more...

I bet you feel better now;)
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I love Monday

because that's when I hear from the kids. :)

A forewarning... Alana is not a religious sort (much like her mother), and she's somewhat irreverant (again, much like her mother)... so please this next installment isn't meant to offend. But it is all Alana and it (for me) is just one of the best parts of her.


STOP ASKING FOR PICTURES! Here's why. a: it takes an hour to send an email
b: my waterproof camera isn't so waterproof. Still takes pics but it is moody and chooses whether it wants to or not.

In Zanzibar right now. Just got here today. It's been a very long and interesting journey down the coast. Boat, plane, walk, taxi, bus, ferry walk all in one day to end up in Mombasa (sucks). Pretty interesting ferry though. They herd a few hundred people on, some cars then cross the water in 5 mins herd them off and repeat. There's 2 of them that do that all day long and it's for free. Strange. I was really sick that day and it was clearly showing because the ferry is where the baptists found us. They came on all unassuming and stuff. Told us that they were with some doctors that were running a free clinic and they would have them take a look at me. We went back to their hotel and they made some calls. Woof and I decided that we weren't going to travel to Tiwi that day, because I was pretty much done, so we got a place there. That's when they sprung it. Woof was getting us a room and Jess (the girl) told me about the whole saving thing and that they run open air prayery dancey singy type things and I obviously asked if we could tag along. Seeing as the free clinic was in the mega-church near the praying things it seemed a good idea.
We were walking to the church through the worst slums I have seen in my life and we passed a gathering of Muslims preaching. Our new friends got mad because they had apparently stolen their spot. We later found out they had stolen it from the Muslims first, a fact that Woof obviously brought to their attention.
All in all pretty interesting. Me sick, here's some pills, now come as we save some people. The kids were awesome. They all wanted their pictures taken and they were having a good time. Enter Dr. Shaw.....
Dr. Shaw apparently had a heart attack a few weeks ago but was happy to inform everyone that he died for a few minutes and saw the face of Jesus who informed him that he wasn't ready for him. Jesus choose to save his life. But not you guys. Jesus only wants me to give you medicine and a bible. Bleck!!!!
The couple we met were really nice though and I am pretty thankful for their help (Texans. Always Texans who save me on trips). I won't go as far as to call it divine intervention as they did, but happy to have run into them.
Blah blah blah.... crossed the border blah blah blah, get ripped off constantly blah blah blah. Hate Tanzania thus far but hoping Zanzibar will turn that around. We are planning 4 days here than back to Dar and on to Sealous for a safari!!!!
After that who knows. We are hoping top be in Madagascar in 2 weeks then to Rwanda for the gorillas and if there's time white water rafting the Nile in Uganda.
Money is holding up nicely. Cost of living is soooooooo cheap as is food.
Gotta run, Woof just found out Stacy was in a car accident so we need to find a phone. He is okay we think but if you have any info Mom could you send it along please.



Stacy is Shawn's brother and he is fine. Hurt his arm badly and did require surgery, but is fine.

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I love seeing life through Alana's words (until we do get pics LOL )
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