My view of the skimming issue is one where most of it must be occurring at the shops that primarly fill the OGs orders.
I rarely get a complaint that a florist We sent an order to, sent a bad value. The Idea of florists, filling florist generated orders at face value, based on local market values, I feel are still strong.
A shop filling a substancial volume of these discounted orders needs to make ends meet to keep the doors open. Efficency is one thing. lowering COGs is another. Good buying only goes so far. Changing suppliers from local to direct buying is only a one time winfall to reduce COGs
I suspect that most shops in that position have already taken advantage of that, and have no options left. The margins have all been squeezed.
The OGs have the option of re-directing their orders to another shop if tracking generates too many complaints. Be it Value or service. A new filler starts the whole cycle over again. While the origional filler is left overpriced in their own local market.
My mind tells me, that Shops have become accustomed to desireing these orders for two principle reasons. Other than the wire services saying it's good for you. And it's not pretty.
Reason one, is that their really not good enough to generate their own work.
Reason two, What ever the reason someone started filling these orders. Over time , found themselfs in the COGs squeeze. The slow but inevitable process of pricing oneself out of the local market. Toss in the supers precieved lower costs of flowers in the eyes of the consumer. And where does a shop in this position have left to go?