....so if you have a bad meal at a chain restaurant, are you going to stop eating?! LOL!
I know that is a stretch from flowers but, really, all industries have a good and a bad side....
The difference is...
People HAVE TO eat. They do not have to buy flowers. If they get a BAD TASTE of food, they go to another eatery.
If they get a BAD TASTE of flowers, they may very well stop buying.
IMNTBHO that is the reason why -- a couple of years ago -- the USA floral MARKET SIZE began contracting: People bought from FTD and got poor results. Then they went to 1-800 and got poor results. So they tried TF and got poor results.
Their thinking? "I tried all the BEST FLORAL SOURCES in the USA and I got scr--ed. I guess flowers aren't any good any more!"
Evidence? At last look, both Yahoo! and Google rate TFTD800 at LESS THAN 2 STARS! There is no such thing as a ZERO star merchant, so under 2 stars is about as BAD as you can get!
Go Eagles!