Gosh ... didn't realise I had so much power to frighten a man from this distance. Not sure a refined English girl like me knows what a doo-doo is ... given the way this thread is going not sure I should ask. Are you always this manky?
Are you always this manky?
If thats cockney for a cross between a man and a monkey I'll have to say yes.
I only say that because when you say "refined English Girl" I don't know if you mean West End or not.
Theres virtually nothing some Posie Popper could say that would bother me, although this ominous sentence in Carrie's postut a little chill in my doo-doo.
I know that actually I'm really well liked here as evidenced by some of my "Reputation Comments":
Seek Therapy. Terri
i wonder how much pain and money it will cost to get rid of you! Why don't you just go away if you think we are all so stupid?
you are a complete jerk
Stop beating your kids you monster (this made me laugh out loud, thanks it felt good)
quite rude
TJN- you seem to suck
Quit whining - Iggy
The only thing that bothers me is I usually don't have time to engage in these "lively debates" as fun as they may be, during the day. At night I'm usually watching the National Geographic Channel or LA Ink trying to further my understanding of tattoos and pseudonyms.
Sparking debate is one thing, being mean and hateful for the sake of being mean and hateful is another. Telling people they are stupid and calling them names is no way to debate.Thanks, TJN.
You have an obvious ability to spark debate.
Bloomz, Hero, Shannon, inferno63 & others take note.
We may have a new sh*t disturbing champion in our midst!!!!!!!
We take ourselves too seriously sometimes. I for one, will never take anything TJN has to say seriously again.
Everytime you post, I'll probably start laughing before I start reading!!
Taking your posts for what they are worth, & remembering how much two cents worth really is...
Wow some threads turn on a dime, huh?
My two cents......
I have always told my boys as they were growing that I wanted them to be good people, defend underdogs, get good grades, be honest, stand by their convictions, be loyal to their family and friends, contribute to their communities, and worship their mother! Although I would not have allowed them to do any drastic body decorating before the age of 18, I didn't care what they wore as long as it was clean, how long or short their hair was as long as it was clean, how they expressed themselves as long as it didn't hurt anyone else, what religion they explored as long as they believed in compassion, and what their opinions were as long as they were respectful. I only had the energy for what I considered was the big stuff. Sweating the little stuff like tats, or piercings, or clothes just a waste my precious time. Now my youngest has 3 piercings and one tat, the oldest wouldn't think of decorating his body, and I love 'em both.
There are children in other parts of the world that die of starvation. I am sure their parents would tattoo them all over their bodies to be able to give them a good meal.
The saddest thing is while he makes me laugh with all his ranting he probably could bring a lot of good stuff to the table. The shop looks great, I like the website but as you say seems to have a problem somewhere. But hey what do I know?
Are these reputation comments or comments from your wife??Theres virtually nothing some Posie Popper could say that would bother me, although this ominous sentence in Carrie's postut a little chill in my doo-doo.
I know that actually I'm really well liked here as evidenced by some of my "Reputation Comments":
Seek Therapy. Terri
i wonder how much pain and money it will cost to get rid of you! Why don't you just go away if you think we are all so stupid?
you are a complete jerk
Stop beating your kids you monster (this made me laugh out loud, thanks it felt good)
quite rude
TJN- you seem to suck
Quit whining - Iggy
The only thing that bothers me is I usually don't have time to engage in these "lively debates" as fun as they may be, during the day. At night I'm usually watching the National Geographic Channel or LA Ink trying to further my understanding of tattoos and pseudonyms.
Are these reputation comments or comments from your wife??