I belonged to team floral and had to quit because I was blind during my stint...I raised my average sale from 50-75 and my average funeral from 100-75-100..I am about to concentrate and up these prices, it is a time thing, each and every year or each sale to repeats you go up a few dollars on them and amazingly it gets up there...Team floral generally will not sell you if your sales are below 300 or 350k a year, because it would be hard for you to keep up with it...I belong just long enough to know I run a really tight ship and other than increasing sales I am doing just fine...so now I am doing that..my cogs, facilities expenses and labor were below average flower shop expenses and on paper I was reaching better benchmarks than some shops taking in a million dollars a year..now if only I could get those sales..it is a slow slow process...I loved team floral but love my national strategic marketing class even better, I learned the anatomy of a marketing campaign and how to track and modify it for results...now i just need the motivation to start one and see where it takes me..