TF vs FTD...

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Hey, let's find Eric a good Credit Card processor, as I recall that's all that's holding you right Eric, not a POS.

Your work is so lovely, it and your customer service are what keep a shop going. The success of a great florist has nothing to do with a WS.
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I am also looking forward to the day we are WS free. Tried FTD, but didn't like their business model. A shop 20 miles away continued to get most of their orders in our town, because (according to our rep) he was a charter member, sent them more orders, etc. So for FTD, at least in my case, it did not make sense to stay with them. We were in and out in 6-9 months.
Ya'll know, incomings are in decline right? Meaning, outgoings too are in decline, and the majority have been removed from the traditional flower business by non-florist middlemen, you know that too... right?

There is little reason for a wire service except for maybe the top 10-15% of florists out there.

If every florist honestly looked at their business, and then looked at it again with the wire service portion removed, I'd bet that 80% or more could go without a wire service and never miss a beat.

If more shops did THIS and THIS (pick your state) more and more 100% business would come their way. No it would not happen over night, but it would make a huge difference over time.

I gotta run... time to get back to work on those FlowerChat branded containers for Mothers Day and the direct order transmission system....:cool:
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