Announcement The FlowerChat Facebook App is Here!


Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
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Just in case you're one of those people who really doesn't spend enough time on Facebook, we've made it even easier for you to lose yourself in the socially networky goodness that could only come from the combination of the world's largest social network and the world's most floral social site.

FlowerChat + Facebook = Awesomesauce (that's right, I said it!)

Just visit the FlowerChat Facebook page and click on the Forums tab, or go directly to the app.

Use of the app does require that you first connect your Facebook and FlowerChat accounts by clicking on the
button at the very top of the page.

Also, because I know people will ask (because it's a good question!): No, this does not publish FlowerChat info into Facebook, so we're not exposing the forums to the wild west of Facebook.
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How cool is this? I\'m replying to myself via the FlowerChat Facebook App!
How cool is this? I\\\'m replying to myself via the FlowerChat Facebook App!

Very cool! And now I am replying to you!

This looks like an easy way to do a quick check of the forums without opening another tab. Nicely done, Ryan!
By the way, Ryan - I now have your Facebook app, and your Android app for my tablet. Waiting patiently for a Windows Phone app, then I'll be all set!
Flowerchat Facebook APP???

I have a FlowerChat APP, and I have a FaceBook APP.... what am I supposed to do with all these freaking APPS!!??
what's an app?? he he........ honestly, I have an Itouch (that's as much as I can handle) and haven't checked FC from it but keep up with FB while at lunch? ugh... When StraightTalk comes out with a smart phone, I'm IN.