This thread was titled "The Future of America" (as we know it)
Ladies & Gentlemen....
America has voted, a most impressive congratulations is in order, for the massive voter turnout, in one of the MOST exciting US presidential elections in US history, and the outcome IS, that IF you have a dream, it CAN be realized in America.
The "popular" vote, by percentage, was the closest EVER, just a hair over a million votes, and a point "spread" of 2 (49%-51%) indicates VERY clearly, that the US is in BIG trouble.
Though Obama, deservedly earned EVER accolade he was rewarded for, and the support of his radical plan of "change" was openly accepted by the huge power "shift" in congress, and the senate, he WILL make a VERY colourful President, he has the oratory skills that NOT seen in a LONGGG time, and he has a "plan" do "the CYLONS" (from Battlestar Galactica fiction).
OUR GREATEST HOPE is that Obama "moves" to the centre of his political stripe, from which he can unveil, and roll out HIS plan back to prosperity, for the citizens of the United States, and finally some respect from a world, that has turned it's back on the US!!
As it stands, and IF he does NOT "shift", the US is about to embark on a program of socialist style political intrusion, into taxpayers lives, that the US people have NEVER seen before, and for which they are ill prepared.
IF the program, that he's about to roll out, stays "true" to his promises, I WILL TELL YOU ALL RIGHT NOW, you NEED to spend some time in Canada, for conditioning and training, and preparation.
I am personally very uneasy, about the relationship, that the Dems "may" have with your nearest neighbour to the north, and have GREAT trials and tribulations with the radical alterations that the US is about to embark WILL BE, just like leaving your homeland, for another, without "moving".....
To the great citizens of the US, for whom I have great admiration, and love, you wanted "change"...we "thought" we did too.
We NOW, in Canada, have Obama's direct family, living in the next town over from where WE are, and I CAN "imagine" Obama, Michelle, and their family, coming to in Canada, they are ALL welcome.
I hope all of you, in the US accept this "change", and unitedly, accept what needs to be done, to make Obama's dream, into YOUR dream.