Trash Talk'N my Canadian Friends....

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FlowerChat Administrator
Oct 31, 2002
State / Prov
What the hecks up with Toronto sending their GARBAGE into MICHIGAN for disposal ??

Ya'll got a freak'n screw loose ??, no that would be MY STATES old (read: FIRED) Govenor allowing such a STUPID deal in the first place !!!!!

Seems one of your landfills was closed, and ya'll found a way to get US to take your S***....well, bout time to put a STOP to the practice !!! IMHO !!!!!!

There, thanks, I feel better now....:confused:
Boss, It's only in Toronto that they would do such a thing! Mel couldn't get the Army to take it away!
We were going to send it to Newf, but after that deal they signed with Quebec for transferring electricity, we figured it would be fair to take advantage :)
Ryan, Finally a mainlander that figured out what is wrong with the electricity deal even if he got it *** backwards!! ;) The problem was and is the feds wouldn't back Nfld on transferring electricity so back in the sixties we were forced to SELL IT to quebec or leave it undeveloped! Hey, at least we bury our our garbage!
I can't believe you're censoring as s !!!
Hey Boss, your fired Gov, and his buddies in Government of Ontario decided to make a deal with some of the lobbyists in Toronto City Council. Let's see, Tom Long, Jeff Lyons,Mike Murphy etc. Tom Long from the Ontario Govt, Jeff Lyons from Metro Toronto, and Mike Murphy helping his good friend, former Gov. John Engler<spelling> (Mike Murphy ran Sen. John McCains Presidental Campaign also, Mike is known as Mr. Negative around Washington, and also Tom Long's Best man at his second wedding to his wife Leslie)
Michigan said show me the money and we did...besides no one here wants the darn stuff. Our mayor met with the Minister of the Environment yesterday and told him, no way no how is London taking TO's garbage...

Perhaps we could put it on barges, set it adrift at sea...maybe a movie could be done "Trash Without a Country." ;)
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