I Love That Description
Ages since i've heard it ...a million thanks,im in my twentys again..a roundy moundy )
Ages since i've heard it ...a million thanks,im in my twentys again..a roundy moundy )
is it a poodle?
holiday specials
How many questions have been asked so far on this one?
Remember, after twenty questions with no correct answer......You have "stumped us" .You reveal the answer and then you go again.
Is it Avante Garde?
Another Hint:
Margaritas and Poodles and Birthday Cakes, OH MY!
Isn't that Pave??? I never knew that style had a name....
It's more what type of category that "style" fits into than it is the name of the actual design method used to create that type of design.
I see, never heard of it....
Yes you have. :>
Here are a few more hints:
1. J Schwanke dedicated an entire webisode to this category of design.
2. It's making a comeback.
3. It's such a novel idea.
I am going to go out on a limb, but is it Novelty fad designs???
Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner!!!!! "Novelty Floral Designs" was what I was thinking but, it's the same thing :>