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New Member
Oct 31, 2002
dunnville ontario canada
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Hi All,
Just spent the last 2 days at the hosp with my brother, he has gone home now, he is going to spend his last few days there. We cancelled our trip to the Dominican as we were to leave on tuesday. The docs gave him 3-4 days. He has fought the battle and its has taken him over. he has no fight left . I just pray that god takes him quick and his sufering is no more. Thanks to all for your words of support and encouragement and cards, it times like this that we even as florists know that we are human and we take the time to cry as we have seen many of our customers do over the years. Joanne

You're in our prayers this week. My hope is that his final days here will be peaceful ones, spent with his family.

Ryan (& Janis, etc)
God will take him home and be a angel for your family to look upon you when you need one. As much as we don't like people to leave us, we know he will be in good hands and will be there to welcome you when it will be your time. You will meet again. for now treasure your memories of him in your heart.
Hugs and kisses
The Great Spirit, has decided, this is as it should be....and must have need for him...

Time has come, for him to move on to a higher plane of existance, where he can once again do good deeds for those he loves, for those that need him, he will never really leave you know, only change...

All our thoughts are with you...

Mark, Cherie, Victoria, Norman, Kelly Anne, Kelly Jo, Justin, Carol, Heather, Emily, Gerred, Erica and Denise
Let your Brother KNOW...it's OK,

to go now....it's important that he hear this from his closest family...ask of him one more thing...that he help pave the way, for YOUR peaceful reuniting!!
Your pain and his pain, are our pain...
Mike and Sandie
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