After my grandmother passed, we were going through her things and dividing them up among the family. I came across a few items that looked "florist related", but weren't anything I had ever seen before. This was not my grandmother that was the florist and I had never know her to do anything artistic in my lifetime.
As I dug deeper in the box, I found the most gorgeous corsage made out of interfaced velvet fabric petals and flower pieces like the attached picture. If I have time tomorrow, I'll post a pic of the one I have at the shop.
When I brought it back to my shop, I showed it to my assistant (who is now studying fashion at Parsons in NYC) and told him that this was going to be the next hot trend in fashion. He didn't believe me.... and here we are. I did convince him that a modern boutonniere is something men will be wearing at all social occasions in the future and that it is his duty as a fashion designer to make it his signature item. I'm going to start overnighting boutonnieres for when he has premieres.