We have a new Grandson!!

it's when you come to realize when a grampa says to his grandkids...."I don't need any gifts, I already "have" them!!":eek:face:hug:
Hey Mikey!
I like it! Congratulations on your precious new gift! Figured it was time I check in and visit FC! Good timing! You are blessed and I do adore ya!
Hey Mikey!
I like it! Congratulations on your precious new gift! Figured it was time I check in and visit FC! Good timing! You are blessed and I do adore ya!

Dianne, my gawd, is this REALLY you???....I an overwhelmed, and the feelings are VERY mutual!! :)
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Dianne, my gawd, is this REALLY you???....I an overwhelmed, and the feelings are VERY mutual!! :)

LOL! She's baaack! Not really...my posting days are over! I will check in occasionally! XO