What did you give your employees for Mother's Day?

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New Member
Nov 1, 2002
State / Prov
At the conclusion of every holiday, we usually give away some free flowers to all employees though we give some more than others. The full-timers usually get more that the part-timers. This discrepancy is making me worry that employees might feel slighted because they received fewer flowers than others??? Past holidays, we gave each employee a free wrapped long stem rose. What do you guys do? And what advice to you have on thanking employees for the hard work they do over the holidays?


p.s. Hope you all had good holiday weeks!
I do like this

They are on the payroll when the times are slow so we just do the lunch thing and yes they take some flowers home.

Reward for doing a good job indeed but what about those slow months that boardiees are moaning about with the sales being slow?

Beats Me...
Flowers and....

I buy lunch daily MD week, allow them to take a bqt home on Saturday, and....

Friday night the Masuse (sp) comes in and gives each a 20 minute rub down, to keep 'em hopp'n...with a massage....

They LOVE IT !! Have never found anything better...yet:)
This year one of my part timers broke her hip Another one had booked off for the actual weeked 3 months before (which would have been ok if I still had the other one) . This left me with one part timer, well experienced, myself & my husband. I have never had such a smooth running holiday. No impossible orders or promised delivery times( that we would not have been able to do), everything went very nice. I ended up doing 20 hours days but that is to be expected if you are short staffed. I gave her a cash bonus not a lot but she really appreciated it.
I provided suppers for the two nights worked late ( 8 Pm), lunch on Saturday, and brought in a Physical massage therapist in for 15 min neck and shoulder massage for all staff. They always take home an arrangement if there are any left ( it is in the number plan when setting the recipie numbers) every holiday.
The bosses purchased lunch for everyone, there were small cash bonuses and bouquets to take home.

I got to take home an FTD M3 (they stashed it for me) as a thank you.

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