Like most new things, understanding leads to acceptance. Unfortunately, a great number of consumers think they are dealing directly with a florist when buying flowers from order gatherers, and have no idea the impact this may have on their order. I agree that knowing how McDonalds is able to sell burgers at $1.00 is useless information; however, knowing how to differentiate between products or services is critical to the buying process. The internet has changed how we buy things. Today value conscious customers will research a product online to gain better understanding and find better pricing & availability. I don't know about you, but I like to get as close to the source as possible when spending my hard earned money, because more likely than not I will get more value for my money. Order gathers have maintained industry dominance by hiding what goes on behind the curtain, I for one think its time to pull the curtain aside. We are attempting to educate the customer with these two videos. Don't Settle for Puny Flowers:[video=youtube;7nMcRQRFMEM][/video]
This is Why Your Flowers Look Puny:[video=youtube;-Pt2G5QM7i4][/video]
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This is Why Your Flowers Look Puny:[video=youtube;-Pt2G5QM7i4][/video]
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