What's FTD Offering?

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Re: number of memebers

Originally posted by gr8vet
All along when I was a member of both FTD AND TF I always believed in not how many but the quality of membership and what benefits the Wire Service has to help your business. I never believed in being a member of both its not cost effective to satisfy your business needs to have 2 to do what 1 can do. Just because one is larger than the other does not make it better by any means, Thats like saying a shop that does 2 million a year in sales is better than the shop that does 500,000, I know for a fact a few shops that do 1/2 million a year have larger bottom line dollars than the big boys. Its all what you want out of the wire service to assist your biz. Get past all the BS from the old days and what this and that are doing, concentrate on your business and use the one that helps you if any do at all.

Just some thoughts from someone who has gotten over the BS from the old days.. Its over on with your business make money..

Well said HAl....

And Patty, welcome back, yes "Most" of Da Dots orders are profitable ones. I do disagree with (not you) those who say you can only make $1.00 on an incomming...

DZ roses for instance, usually come in at or above $70.00, my reguular price is $55.00 delivered... with a COGS of less than $11.00 (+del)...leaving $40.15 after deducting the 27%...

I'll take that anyday, since the order simply comes to me, and I also take Tracy's approach of getting my product into the recipients hands, with MY Propaganda, including a coupon to be sent from the recipient to the sender that ordered thru Da Dot, for their next purchase, thru ME.

Have a DAY !
Hello Boss
this coupon to the sender is something we have thought of doing. In the spirit of florist to florist sharing would you consider sending us a copy of your coupon. You could mail it, fax it or e-mail it.

We had thought of incorporating a thank-you note that the recipient could use to send to the sender which would also have the coupon aspect in it.

Sure Doug, once I get home from Vacation :)

Basically it's a business card with all our contact infor on it, and a coupon for "Free Delivery" on ANY order on the back.

If they call for an in town delivery, I give it to them. If it's a wire order I give it to them as well, and let my rebate make up most of the cost given to the other florist.

It also has a line "Save up to $14.95 by callinng 800-xxx-xxxx over most other internet order gatherers".

Not rocket science, just plain and simple. Anyone can make their own. I think Bloomz may be doing something like this too... JB ??
Re: Re: Need something BAD said about TF BOSS?

Originally posted by BOSS
Sunny and 84 here, hows Rock City ?

I hope you find a new winter coat before you return up here...it's a gray warm 38 degrees! Gota go mow the lawn now...
Re: Re: Re: Need something BAD said about TF BOSS?

Originally posted by Blue Oyster Cult
I hope you find a new winter coat before you return up here...it's a gray warm 38 degrees! Gota go mow the lawn now...

Maybe I'll just stay HERE permanently !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like a plan to ME !! :beer
I got in orders for $60/dz including delivery.
I get $60 for a dozen roses. I need $8 for delivery.
That makes $52 for the arrangement.
Less COG at 32% ($17) and COL at 25% (yes, not the unrealistic 20%)($13).
Of course I have to give up that 27% which is $16.20.....so that all leaves me
....and I have not yet figured in membership fees, directory fees, Q&A fees, credit card processing fees, transmission fees, this fee and that fee, etc. per order.
There is a little bitty amount left over.

I don't blame you Patty for doing what you need to do. We each have to decide for ourselves and I consider you one of the good guys and I think that you have a lot to give to this community. :>

But Boss, I have figured out. His thing is to sell everyone an advantage system. And he needs FTD for that. Of course, there are others in this community who are vendors for TF or FTD or both and so I think, rightly so, that their view points are colored by that.


WOW Judy....

I see you do the Math DOO TOO! and GOOD FOR YOU!!!

Boss is a very nice guy I personally know him and yes he does installs for FTD but heck if I was being treated FAIR by a VENDOR I guess I would Rah Rah them also..but in my case I spoke the TRUTH about Teleflunky and some jack a s s who is nothing but a POWER HUNGRY Regional Rep flexed their muscle and discriminated against us for MY FREEDOM of SPEACH. Kicked us OUT! LOL!

Don't forget the focus is to sign up as many Trailer Park Florists for NUMBERS instead of what once was Qualified Florists.

The joke is on Them since my outgoing has INCREASED and my LOCAL has INCREASED and our New WEBSITE with Sunflower Productions is producing more orders than ever before.
I love the fact that I can DROP SHIP those Big 2 at their game.

This industry would make a great TV show...Florist Survivor 2004!.

P.S. those other folks are ok in my book too..ya just have to read between the lines.
one more thing

Judy one more thing you forgot was you have the posibility of gaining a new customer thru your product. From what I have read and what the marketing gods have said customer aquisistion costs about 5-10 dollars. If that customer comesback just once that order was worth it. The trick is getting that customer to buy from you. On every single recipient order it should be marketed in one way or another. Even twice and 3 times. The hard part was done already your flowers are in the house... Take advantage of that....

Ask her for the senders name and e-mail for a free African violet. That costs you approx .95 or hell give her a free rose from your driver as he is delivering the product with a card attatched post card stamped so all they have to do is fill it out and mail it...
On the card should be senders name address e-mail.

Incomings can be profitable if marketed correctly... The side of the coin is would you rather the orders go to your local competitor ?
Just some more thoughts...
getting customers through your incoming orders...

is exaclty what we try to do... We are sending a coupon with almost every order we send out (but not to funeral homes). It tells them we are celebrating our 80th anniversary by giving them $5 off their next order.. This gives a good impression to the recipient who just may become a loyal customer. That is worth the incoming order is my book... but I am just learning all these things... so I am a :newbie
We have done the same here. We are maketing our local customer to gain that sale. But by deciding to do that we couldn't just all of a sudden stop taking in discounted orders. So we had to set up a plan and it was and still is a long term plan that changes almost every month. The things I have learn is don't do what we did ... lol ...

We buy most if not all of our flowers direct .. Most of the time based on the Wedding that is coming up on the weekend. That is it what we have we use throughout the week, Rarly do we ever order flowers locally. The phone staff is trained to know the product we can offer and deliver if we can't we wire it out. Same thing goes for the wire ins ... If it is in the shop we can do it. We have save so much by buying in bulk it has probably saved an employee's job. We try hard never to let go or cut back hours if possible I want to be as loyal to them as they are to me.

good luck
Originally posted by evergreen12377
Of course, there are others in this community who are vendors for TF or FTD or both and so I think, rightly so, that their view points are colored by that.

I'm owner (Vendor) of BN (Blossoms Network) and I have my own coloured glasses. So my views are slightly different. :)
Re: WOW Judy....

Originally posted by Blue Oyster Cult
Don't forget the focus is to sign up as many Trailer Park Florists for NUMBERS instead of what once was Qualified Florists.

They would do that? NO! You know it can't be, after all TF says it's not so, and that my friend must be true since it was said from up in the Ivory Towers.
I have never had a good enough return marketing to recipients. I believe it was the old FTD that did a study that found that recipients got flowers and senders sent flowers and that was about it. They didn't intertwine too much. As to why? Who knows?

As to making money on wire services. It can be done BUT you have to make a certain quota. I have made a spread sheet woorkbook that I can plug in number from wire service statements that can figure out what you make on each wire in compared to the fees you spend and the also the wire outs you do to offset the costs. And it was an eye opener. Even with well more wire outs than wire ins we still were getting 10% taken off every wire in. So that is why we are switching to FTD (Lower fees) and MAS (Best way to manage what we got and get more of what we need).
Originally posted by evergreen12377
But Boss, I have figured out. His thing is to sell everyone an advantage system. And he needs FTD for that. Of course, there are others in this community who are vendors for TF or FTD or both and so I think, rightly so, that their view points are colored by that.

Judy :ballet:

Really now, figured ME out ??? Some folks have been trying for years with no luck....

As to Advantage and FTD, I do NOT sell the thing, never made a dime doing that yet !!!

I do install it, and teach people how to use it, that is correct.

Judy, had you known me prior to FlowerChat, you would know that I was once VERY close to being booted from FTD. You would also know I used to run Daisy for my technology.

Simply said, FTD works for me, and yes I tell alot of people about that. It may not work for you, but in most cases I have studied, and analyzied, it was usually the fact that most shops did not pay attention to what was available to them, and did not use the programs offered to their Advantage ((pun intended).

Is FTD the right choice for everyone, maybe not, is Teleflora probably not, but thats what we have to work with, so I made my choice. Had TF come along with a better deal, a better product and better technology I wouuld have went that way (used to be both) but they did not, and now they have nothing to offer I don;t already have.

Have a great DAY !
Surely, Boss, you do all this Advantage work from the goodness of your heart?

Originally posted by evergreen12377
Surely, Boss, you do all this Advantage work from the goodness of your heart?

Nope, I do get paid for installing. Your comment was with regard to "sales" if I remember right...

Right now, the "consulting" is free though (well might cost ya dinner) at least until I get that Biz completely running, and advertisable....
OK BOSS, here are the numbers.
Last FTD membership listing has 16,173 AA shops.
The latest listing has 16,303 AA shops.16303. A net gain of 130 shops.

I have not received Teleflora's CD yet.
So that would be....

An increase I guess....

Can;t wait for the others numbers....

Thanks George....
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