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Apr 14, 2003
Mt. Pleasant
State / Prov
On Thursday, May 24, I was notified that biopsies done on my breast had come back positive. OH MY GOD! I have cancer.

The following day I went into the hospital to have a colonoscopy. This procedure had nothing to do with the mammogram, or earlier biopsy. It was just time to have it done. The surgeon told me when I woke up that I had a tumor in my colon, and he was almost certain that it also was malignant. Twice in two days!!!!

I have since had a pet scan, which showed us that I have a malignancy on my liver, in the lymph nodes in my chest, the tumor in my colon is in fact malignant, and the breast cancer is lobular, rather than glandular, which means it is scattered.

So here I am, three weeks later. I am still numb, I'm stunned, I don't know what I am.

I will be going into the hospital next week, to have the colon cancer removed, and my colon resectioned. Thank God for modern medicine. At the same time, a second surgeon will be working on my liver.

I am looking at being in the hospital for about a week, then I will be facing 4-5 months of chemo. Followed by more surgery.

Life at the flower shop has stopped for me, for now. I just don't have the stamina that is required to be there. Thank goodness for the wonderful ladies who work for me. They are keeping the place going, and running it like it was their own. The doctors have assured us that I will be back. This is all treatable.

I have always tried to live my life by the saying that God expects great things of those to whom great gifts are given. That has always pulled me through many hard times.

A while back, someone posted the following meditation. It moved me to tears the first time I read it, and I immediately wrote it down. I have carried it with me ever since. I have been repeating it all day today, and I need to thank whoever wrote it.

"It takes patience to trust
courage to fear not
confidence to have faith
strength to be at peace"

Please keep my family and friends in your prayers. And please, please, take care of your health, get your recommended yearly check ups so that maybe you can all avoid this nightmare.

I came up with my own distillations of grief this past year.
I call it Applications of Obedience

It takes patience to trust
courage to fear not
confidence to have faith
strength to be at peace

none of which comes 'naturally' of course! All take hard work and serious perseverance.
The quote was found in This thread...My God, what can I say except prayers and well wishes for you and your family.

It does not happen often, but I'm at a loss for words...

Know that we here are thinking of you and that you are in our prayers.

Trust in God, talk to Him...he will carry you.
Annaleisa, my prayers go with you every step of your way. Please, as you feel like it, keep us posted. God bless you, and give you strength and courage.
Dear Annaleisa

May the Divine Essence of the Cosmic infuse your being with vibrations of healing, strength, support and love. May all those close to you also be receptive and benefit from these vibrations as well as all others who may be in need of healing.

If you need some special help while you are enduring this part of your life....let me know. Maybe I can help you out in your shop since you live in Texas. My heart goes out to you.
Carol Bice
It does not happen often, but I'm at a loss for words...

Know that we here are thinking of you and that you are in our prayers.

Trust in God, talk to Him...he will carry you.

Mark said it well and my sentiments are the same.

Annaleisa, you are here among friends. Lean on us when needed.

My heart goes out to you. Take each day as it comes and deal with that day. So much of your recovery is determined by your spirit and determination along with good docs. Your flowerchat family will all be praying for you so HE will hear us...we have a huge prayer circle here, don't we? Each day will be a new challenge...breathe deeply and face them head on knowing you have a lot of folks in your corner!
Hold your circle of angels close and allow them to carry the burden. Their faith, hope and love will be your strength.
Know that your flowerchat family is here for you...we all send prayers, love and support.
Annaleisa, words do fail, but the willing of positive thoughts, prayers, and healing energy go out to you and yours.

Rant if you need... we will listen.

Annaleisa, I'm very sorry to hear of your medical conditions, this is a very trying time in your life.

Know that we're all here for you and thank you for reaching out to draw strength from all of us. We're here when you need us.
How easy it is go from day to day thinking "I'll call my Dr this week to make that appointment for my annual check up"......day to day, week to week and then a whole year has past and the appointment didn't get made. You have given me a block buster wake up call and I wish the message hadn't come as it did. I will keep you and all of your family and friends close to my heart and in my prayers. If there is ANYTHING I can do to help you with the inconvience please let me know. Keep your faith and walk each step with the knowledge that God will hold you and help you through all things you will be facing.
Marilee Just
I'm making the call first thing tomorrow.......thank you

May the prayers and love from your friends at FlowerChat bring a measure of peace and comfort to you. I will keep you close in thought and prayer.


I said, "The path is steep."
He said, "I'm at your side."
I said, "But I am weak."
He said, "For you I died."

I said, "Dark valleys come."
He said, "I'll guide you through."
I said, "But I'm not brave."
He said, "I'll walk with you."

I said, "Be light to me,
And strength as I go on."
He said, "I'm more. I'm love,
You'll never walk alone."

~~Author Unknown~~

The doctors have assured us that I will be back. This is all treatable.

...of what you wrote the above is what jumped out at me.

Keep your head up, have FAITH and BELIEVE!
...in yourself and the doctors.

I posted this "you tube" clip when the event happened. Check it out.
Although it is just sports entertainment, great things happen to those who believe. Miracles happen when you believe.


God Bless you Annaliesa... you will be back! I walked that road 4 years ago...Breast cancer.. Had chemo first..then mastectomy...then radiation. I then had breast reconstruction, only to find out that I got Leukemia from some of the chemo drugs! 2 percent chance and I got it! I was a sick puppy for a while. So far so good. My energy level is back and I'm able to do a full days work in the shop.
Take care of yourself first and foremost. This is your time to heal. Think positive thoughts and know that goodness surrounds you.
If He brings you to it He'll see you through it.
If you need someone to talk to ...I'm here I can recommend a great support site for Breast cancer patients on the net.

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It's good to hear your determination. I can't imagine what it feels like to receive so much scary news. (((((((((Hugs))))))))))

I look forward to hearing how well you're feeling, and how you're beating this. Please keep in touch.

Beth :~)
Seemed like a timely article in my in box. . . . . .

What My Father Left Behind
At 13 years of age, my parents and I visited an ophthalmologist. As I sat in the examining chair, my face firmly on the chin rest and pupils dilated, the doctor looked into my eyes, shining a bright light.
"She did inherit it," he said with coldness. "You need to be prepared. There is no cure for this retinal disease."
My father carried the Retinitis Pigmentosa gene causing a deterioration of the retina which, in most cases, results in blindness. Although my brother's retinas seemed to be fine, I'd inherited the gene.
Fifteen years after my initial diagnosis, my father began to lose his eyesight and so did I. He was 55 years old, but I was only 28. In a matter of two years, we had both lost our sight completely.
I focused on the effects of my own darkness. My world crumbled as the black curtain fell, destroying the dreams my husband and I had for us and for our three little boys. But when I turned to God for hope and strength, He responded by opening my eyes to a new revelation.
My father had given me not just the RP gene, but the example of determination and tenacity as well. We were all living in Bolivia in 1964 when he defied the family's opposition to move to America. He and Mom worked tirelessly to satisfy the requirements imposed by the U.S. Immigration Department to enter the country and establish residency.
Once in the states, he overcame humiliation, intense loneliness, helplessness and uncertainty. He endured ridicule due to his lack of fluency in English, but he pressed on. And he managed to gather enough money for the basics - rent a small apartment, buy modest furniture from thrift stores and put a down payment on a car. Nine months later, he sent airline tickets for my mom, my brother and me.
Decades later, as an American citizen, I look back at what he'd shown me. He taught me the determination to move forward when facing adversity. He set an example proving that humility is crucial to success. He demonstrated the commitment to family and the importance of setting priorities.
His journey taught me valuable lessons for my own path in the darkness. Much like a baby takes its first steps holding tight to his father's hand, my dad held onto God as he stepped from the comfort of our hometown in Bolivia to the unknown in a foreign land.
I did the same as I stepped into the unfamiliarity of a sightless world. Holding onto God's hand, I gained confidence and learned the language of gratitude. With profound appreciation for my father's example, I learned how he had applied a powerful blend of faith and tenacity; the same blend I used to fulfill my own role as a wife, mom, Sunday school teacher, Spanish court interpreter, inspirational speaker and writer.
What I inherited from my father helped me to see my life with a more radiant and meaningful glow.
Janet Perez Eckles
Janet Perez Eckles, feature in The New York Times is an inspirational national speaker, freelance writer, and contributor to seven books including Chicken Soup for the Soul. She has authored Trials of Today, Treasures for Tomorrow: Overcoming adversities in Life. You can visit Janet's website at: www.janetperezeckles.com

I have a very close friend that is close to death, whom, UNLIKE YOU, does NOT believe in miracles......
You are very profound....while reading your initial post, I encountered so much optimism, that I AM SURE, that YOU WILL remember this "obstacle" as just another "roadblock" in your long life highway, and that being so very brave in sharing this personal and life altering time with us, just indicates to me, and the rest of us, that you've already made "plans" for when you fully recover.
When you need us, we WILL be there, when you reach for God's hand, remember, HE is already holding YOURS.
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