It's interesting to see that most of the faves listed here are American.
I like to look Europe for the new styles that are coming up.
Not to say that America doesn't have lots of greats... that list could go on and on.... and if I started, it may not end...
But how about Gregor lersh or Per Anderson, or Tor Gunderson ?!? or Canadians Hitomi Gillian or Pierre Methot?
Or for that matter Marianne Seuss or Heidi Oschker.
Truth is, many of our greatest inspirations come from designers that do not have the press, or the "flavor of the Month",
even though they are creative, exotic, and often more forward thinking than the old stand-bys.
I've been fortunate to have seen most of the "stars" show their stuff, and usually I'm most inspired by the new-comers who are reaching for their dream, not just trying to say amid the clouds.