Working late, one CD, what is it?

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Sandy - My favorites with Christmas/Holiday music - especially for getting myself into the mood for designing......the classic artists - Like Burl Ives, Gene Autry, and the like. For personal enjoyment - TSO

However, My musical tastes are so varied......I can listen to most any type or genre of music and enjoy it......about the only genres that I don't really appreciate is hardcore rap and some of the more extreme death metal/punk. Some hip hop I like - especially most anything by Will Smith. Now, if you want to see a happy camper......put on most anything classic blue or jazz......John Lee Hooker, Aretha Franklin, Eric Clapton, BB King, Chuck Berry, Muddy Waters, Sarah Vaughn, Ella Fitzgerald, Lena Horne - those types of artists,
That reminds me, one time I did a wedding that took 4 episodes of Sex and the City to make.

I also like to listen to This American Life or Radio Lab while doing weddings. Today I only stayed about an hour after close so I just listened to some tune-age.

The Sex and the City movie my go to DVD. When Lil' Mocha (my old assistant's FC user name) still worked for me, it was not uncommon for us to watch the SATC movie twice in a row, followed by Devil Wears Prada when we had a long night. (Oh and lots of cupcakes)- love the sugar rush).

This American Life is also pretty entertaining if you catch a good story.
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If it is late night and I'm working on weddings by myself like I was tonight, I flip my computer screen around and watch sitcoms or movies on Movies (even though I rarely really watch them) make the time go so much faster than music.
Thanks for the fancast idea! When I am designing alone, I love to listen to
books on tape.
Sandy - My favorites with Christmas/Holiday music - especially for getting myself into the mood for designing......

Rickie - if you love Christmas music and you like jazz - get Larry Carlton's Christmas at My House

Finest of the fine.....
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Rickie - if you love Christmas music and you like jazz - get Larry Carlton's Christmas at My House

Finest of the fine.....

Got it already
My fave Christmas CD is:

Liftetime Intimate Portrait Christmas Belles. Its a must-have!

Its freaking awesome...Ella Fitz, Judy Garland, Rosemary Clooney, Lena Horne, Pearl Bailey, Ertha Kitt, Brenda Lee!

Sometimes I listen to slacker radio. Its a FREE service on the net, I have wireless speakers, and I can change up tunes on a whim. Check it out at

LOVE me some Sting, 80's, Nickel Creek, Chris Thiele, jazz, club mix, Tony Bennett...depends on what I am in the mood for...
Green Day.

Although it would be hard to find it in my car under the mylie cyrus, demi movado, and every other disney star.

None of you will know.. but I think I butchered those spellings.

Oh, I know....have two girls aged 6 and 11. The six year old is lately into all the KidzBop. Ugghhh!! It's kind of funny, because my 6 year old loves Christmas music more than I do. I got a Christmas CD from a rep one year-his whole family went into one of those studios and sang all their favorite Christmas songs and had it made into a CD-and lately she's been wanting to listen to it in the car. Even that's too much for me! I've created a monster!!!!!
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