Announcement Change Is Here!

I have a quick question. If we pay say tomorrow the $100, does your year start Jan 12 or Feb 1 when its supposed to go to a paid forum? Sorry if its already been asked and answered. This thread has kinda gotten out of hand.
Just wanted to say that I have many fond memories from this group, learned a lot, made a few friends, and had a lot of laughs! I will miss that! Since I'm no longer in the floral field, it doesn't make sense for me to join. I wish you all much happiness and success in all your future endeavors. Keep in touch, if you like!
PMFLOWERMARKET - That is a good question..........when does the year officially start.......from the planned announcement date or from the date you pay?
Now, This is something that Paula mentioned Ryan, which I believe you need to really pay attention too and address. That is the deadline and how it plays into INTERNATIONAL DATE AND TIME. January 12 arrives in Australia and the UK before it arrives in North America.

It stands to reason that the questions, comments, addressed by our Aussie and UK members need to be handled with and addressed before us in North America.
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Now, This is something that Paula mentioned Ryan, which I believe you need to really pay attention too and address. That is the deadline and how it plays into INTERNATIONAL DATE AND TIME. January 12 arrives in Australia and the UK before it arrives in North America.

It stands to reason that the questions, comments, addressed by our Aussie and UK members need to be handled with and addressed before us in North America.

Sheesh.............are we now counting in minutes!!!!!!
Lets get a life!
Not really counting in minutes per se, because of the international date line, January 12 willl arrive there 24 hours before it arrives here. When I was younger and Dad was overseas in the military.......We would get a phone call from him on a Monday there, but it would be Sunday here.
Not really counting in minutes per se, because of the international date line, January 12 willl arrive there 24 hours before it arrives here. When I was younger and Dad was overseas in the military.......We would get a phone call from him on a Monday there, but it would be Sunday here.

Get a LIFE!!!!!! this form/board is based in the Eastern time zone...........that should be enough pay by the deadline Eatern Time an that's it!!!!!!!
Thanks to everyone on this board. I have learned a lot :) . However my wife recently lost her job and I am living on a floral designers salary :*( . I wish you all the best....
thanks. Goodbye
Brad, All my best to you and your family.
I know it is difficult these days, but things will get better.

God bless you.

OK, made my was difficult, but I paid for the next year...I am putting my faith in flowerchat to give me my 100 dollars worth....I will put off buying sneakers to get my links from here...I am sure I made the right choice. Thanks all!
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Get a LIFE!!!!!! this form/board is based in the Eastern time zone...........that should be enough pay by the deadline Eatern Time an that's it!!!!!!!
Take a chill................ guy just ask a question
Ok, everyone take another deep breath :)

FlowerChat runs on eastern time, so any dates and times mentioned will be relative to our timezone. (If you think about it, FC launched 5 hours later for UK florists than it did for east coasters ... and 3 hours earlier for left coasters - not to mention the 12 hour difference for the folks in OZ. So if we launched "late" for them, they can have an "extra" few hours - it's only fair!) *Random musings when I'm 3 sips into my first coffee, take it for what it's worth.

Today is not doomsday - it's just the day when some free accounts will have less of a feature set than the paid accounts. And that will kick in later in the day.

Paid perks kick in today, so we'll look into manually adjusting subscriptions paid before the 12th to the 12th of Jan 2011.
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Not really counting in minutes per se, because of the international date line, January 12 willl arrive there 24 hours before it arrives here.
So, in reality then, since the change will take effect in EST the Aussies get an extra day free of charge...

Now that said, I suppose everyone will cry and want their 1/365th% too.... sheesh.
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First of all, I make no apologies for asking about how the International Date Line and Time zones affect FC - simply because that is an aspect of doing business INTERNATIONALLY that we have to consider. As I have alluded to in more than a few postings........Ostensibly, we are all businesspeople..........running, owning, and operating either a successful or not so successful floral business. Doesn't matter is this is a home-based operation, a Brick and Mortar storefront, a multi-store operation, selling point of sale systems, working with one or more of the wire services, providing SEO and Internet solutions for business.............IT IS ALL STILL A BUSINESS and I am proud to say that at least I feel I am addressing issues, questions, commentary as a business person should.
I heard this somewhere... it seems to fit quite nicely here.

"Every journey has an ending. Every ending has a new beginning".

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Well, sorry to say that I'm outta here.

I've been on this board and other boards for a long time. I've learned some things and I take pride in knowing that I contributed. I taught many of you how to make the "fish gardens" that were the rage a few years ago, and I'm the inventor of the "Name Game". In the past month, I've gained a new attitude and updated my website because of discussions on FC.

But, IMHO, paying for a discussion forum just doesn't make any sense to me. Have I learned things on here? Yes. But I have learned things on many other free boards too. Changing it to a subscription based board will not make it any more useful to me...I have a feeling that if I need assistance or help on pretty much any subject, I can find it for free elsewhere.

Coupled with the fact that I simply cannot afford the subscription fee right now, I'll have to take my leave.

I just tried to go into my own profile...but I couldn't. Okay...that makes no sense. As long as FC is free until Jan 31, shouldn't I be able to access my own profile???

Thanks for the discussion folks. Find me on Facebook if interested...
Sorry to see you go Steve... particularly after that great thread about reinventing ourselves. There was so much great info in there.

Best wishes to you.

Have to say - I won't be continuing on - cannot justify the expense. I have learned a lot and feel I have contributed also - but the sad reality is that
I am barely working now, and that $100 could go for a lot of other things. Wishing you all the best!
As i havent been on here for a while , i was shocked to read the changes !! I have thought about paying the fee because i have learnt alot of new ideas in design and love the feedback given by members on here.
My 'doubting' side of me feels that too many posts are very Political or religious, neither subject appeals to me.
I just log on for Good ole' fashioned Floristry, design and tips for the peak periods.
Will there be enough for me, when im paying for the privilege ?
I havent read all the posts(coz theres way tooooo many ) but could someone elighten me, what will be availble to ticke my design tastebuds ???
Please help, because i will be sad to leave !!
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