OK, you wanted to know.
First let me explain, that long before this board came about, I was a critic of the way wire services were working.
Second, yes, I fill to value and yes I make a profit from a wire service, but a very small profit. And there could come a time in the very near future that the profit stops.
Third, I do not fill for any ordergatherers period.
Fourth, when you say you are doing what you have to do to make money, doesn't that mean that you support what other ordergatherers are doing. If they use your shop name to steal orders from you, aren't they just doing what they have to do to make money? If they list themselves as having a shop in your town, aren't they doing what they have to do to make money?
If they drop ship items into your town, aren't they just doing what they have to do to make money? Just because you are small shop, does that really change anything?
Tim, I am not knocking you for leaving a wire service. What I am saying is that wire services and ordergatherers lack integrity and do whatever they have to to steal orders from florists. And they use the same logic that you are using. If you want to live on the high moral ground, don't play the same game that they are. All you are doing is sinking to their level, and it makes what they are doing legitimate.