Shannon, you are so right is very hard being the employee you speak of and hear things like, but I only pay designers 12 dollars an hour I can't give you a raise because then I would have to give sally and jenny raises also...meanwhile, sally and jenny take 15 cig breaks, rarely every make more than 12 designs each all day, can't sell anything more than a daisy basket, suck with customers, and won't do anything but design, no cleaning toilets or sweeping floors for these two, they are designers...meanwhile, you are out there, marketing the shop at every chance, bringing in customers, working your tail off til its done, problem soling, etc etc..and who does the boss come to when they need someone to sell something...This is what was always my reason for leaving somewhere, I end up pulling more than my weight, but because the other slackers are doing just what it takes to get by, I lose on a raise because it isn't fair...Why is it that owners think this way?? I don't know because I haven't had an employee and just don't know what is involved in this decision, nor do I know what I would do if confronted with this suituation in real life?