Judges Results from Round 2
Scores for Round Two - Everyday Flowers (67)
Originality - 4
Focal Area - 4
Harmony/Unity - 5
Organization of materials - 5
Scale/Proportion - 4
Physical Balance - 5
Mechanics - 5
Visual Balance - 5
Texture - 5
Form - 4
Line/Rythym - 4
Repetition - 3
Wow Factor - 5
Color - 5
Design basics - 4
Scores for Avante Gardens - Round two (73)
With the exception of a 4 for visual balance and a 4 for line/rythym........Cathy scored perfect 5's in every other category.
Originality - 5
Focal Area - 5
Harmony/Unity - 5
Organization of materials - 5
Scale/Proportion - 5
Physical Balance - 5
Mechanics - 5
Visual Balance - 4
Texture - 5
Form - 5
Line/Rythym - 4
Repetition - 5
Wow Factor - 5
Color - 5
Design basics - 5
Scores for Twiggy and Twigs - round two (68)
Originality - 5
Focal Area - 4
Harmony/Unity - 4
Organization of materials - 5
Scale/Proportion - 4
Physical Balance - 5
Mechanics - 5
Visual Balance -4
Texture - 5
Form - 4
Line/Rythym - 4
Repetition -4
Wow Factor - 5
Color - 5
Design basics - 5
Scores for Adam and Belvedere Flowers - Round two (73)
Originality - 5
Focal Area - 5
Harmony/Unity - 5
Organization of materials - 5
Scale/Proportion - 4
Physical Balance - 5
Mechanics - 5
Visual Balance - 5
Texture - 5
Form - 5
Line/Rythym - 5
Repetition - 4
Wow Factor - 5
Color - 5
Design basics - 5
AVANTE GARDENS………..total points 75
Focal Point…..5
Organization of materials…..5
Scale …5
Physical Balance…..5
Visual Balance…..5
Textural appeal…..5
Line and Rhythm…..5
Wow factor……5
Use of Color…….5
Design Basic…..5
Again, it is judging perfection. All the elements of design are present; The use of the woven palm leaves take you on a very interesting adventure throughout the piece as you travel through with your eyes and find all kinds of special moments within the design. It is almost sensory overload.
There are many uses of outstanding and unusual techniques present; the kiwi stretches your eyes way up to create drama; the groupings of the different flowers and foliages delight your senses.
This is an arrangement for those wanting to compete to study; the depth, negative spaces, the lines, use of textures, etc. It would be easy to write a sonata about this presentation.
EVERYDAY FLOWERS—black magic topiary…..total number of points 62
Organization of materials…..5
Physical balance……5
Visual Balance……4
Textural appeal……4
Line and Rhythm…..3
Wow Factor…..4
Use of Color…..4
Design Basics……4
Personally, I love very structural design work and this is executed very effectively. A very neat and clean design; The pink ribbon band unifies the two areas of design. The two black pins on the ribbon could be more interesting….maybe use more pins to create a design—right now, it just looks as if they are holding the ribbon together;
Love, love, love the tiny touch of curly willow….but, it brings your eye to what could be a focal point and there is nothing there that is special to see after the eye travels into that area. Maybe you could have used several cymbidiums grouped within that area.
Try flexing the back petal of the cymbids to make them more dominate instead of looking like a filler flower…..it would give it a more expensive look.
The bells of Ireland give a very nice contrast of color and texture. Nice work.
BELVEDERE…….total number of points 70
Focal Point…..5
Organization of Materials…..5
Scale Proportion……5
Physical Balance……5
Visual Balance…..5
Textural Appeal…..4
Form, exceptional design principles…..4
Line and Rhythm…..4
WOW factor…….5
Use of Color……5
Design Basics……4
This design does have the WOW FACTOR. Great use of monochromatic colors. I love the armature you created with the stems of the topiary; the top is beautifully airy and exciting while the bottom is very lush and lovely; well executed
For contest purposes, I would have liked to see a couple more unusual techniques introduced into the presentation; for salability, it is perfect
Instead of using another type of fern in the bottom, maybe use a completely different leaf and texture to create more interest. They were both types of ferns even though they were different. Great work, Adam
TWIGS……total points 56
Focal Point…….4
Organization of Materials…..4
Physical balance……3
Visual Balance……3
Textural appeal……3
Line and rhythm…..3
Use of Color…..5
Design Basics…..4
I love the basic concept you came up with…. A circle surrounding a sphere; very nice
The base treatment could have been a little more interesting with maybe a small grouping or different texture or color within the types of greens. This would have been a great place to use some new or unusual design techniques.
The focal point is good, the weave of material and the rose petals are a nice touch; it has an old fashioned look with a new design and a delightful use of materials; You have a lot of talent;
You do need to work on the depth perception of the design; from the side it had no depth; maybe you could have improved that by playing with the circled line and moved it around to find a more pleasing place; The line does take your eye out of the arrangement instead of making you stay within it;
Maybe a little more bear grass encircling the orb would have added more interest and maybe some bear grass encircling the base would have worked.
Overall, a very nice piece