Joe -
These numbers have been published here at least a couple times in the past, but here goes again.
I have never seen anything posted about the small market BB commission schedule. This is why I asked.
Monthly membership - $0 for shops that send a minimum of 10 orders valued at an average of $100 each. Otherwise, the monthly fee is $50. Period.
Send shop earns 16% of outgoing flower order value, 0% on delivery charge value when a florist uses the BBrooks online interface to place an order. 10% if it's called in or faxed in.
Receiving shop gets paid 72% of flower order value and 100% of delivery charge value (which is a higher net than any of the Big 3 WSs).
Cathy, i hope you don't mind me using an example, but I am trying to see how BBrooks is a better alternative from what florists use now. Please bare with me.
Say you have a $100 order and you need it sent to me. You order via BBrooks which in turn will use Teleflora to contact me. For the example lets say my delivery fee is $10.
You get $14.40 in commissions (16 pct of $90), now BBrooks retransmits the order to me via TF. I get $73 ($100/20-7pct split).
I received an order from them last week and there was no breaking out the commission on the delivery and the product. My order was a straight $85 order so TF commissions apply, not BBrooks rules.
Let's look at BBrooks revenue. You keep $14.40, BB gets $5.60 net commissions ($20 TFcoms- $14.40 BB coms), the delivery gets folded back into the $100 order when BB transmits the order to me via TF.
Now, I would imagine BB rebates are a lot larger than mine, so what would they be? $6-$8 per order--- I don't know - just guessing.
So my question is I don't really see any incentive for you to send via BB if you are going to receive a smaller commission.
Wouldn't it be better to just go F2F?
No monthly sending system technology fees.
No receiving fees.
No reporting fees.
No membership directory fees.
No also-served-by fees.
No zip code listing fees.
No Quality Assurance fees.
Shops can appear in the directory for all the zips they serve and display their minimum & local delivery charges by each zip.
Those are good points, and something that needs to be considered. However, if BB is getting a $50 month membership fee from a small shop that can not make the min 10 order $1000 minmum )and collecting up to an extra $56 (minmum $1000 per month sending) some of those traditional WS costs are offset by BB's in/out commission differential.
It seems that BB is making up for some of their costs with the rebates from TF. Y/N?