I thought we had a restructuring once before, about a year or so ago. I must be getting as old as Bloomz.... :rofl:
That was my thought too Erlene... and I may be as old as Jon. Yipes!!!
I thought we had a restructuring once before, about a year or so ago. I must be getting as old as Bloomz.... :rofl:
That is how they spell it in Canada.:canuck:
Not necessarily. The schedule had to be restructured, it's the first time it has been done since the beginning, some 6 years ago. This is not like it's done often, nor for any reason other than to align the system with the growing number of members. I doubt we will ever see another "restructuring".
Anyone can catch and/or surpass anyone else, if thats of concern, it's mostly based on the *votes* one gets for posts good or bad, and thats based on how many people take the time to vote. Not anything anyone of us has any control over.
Um no... Insightful.
mark, I am glad you chimed in.
Why did the system have to be reset?
Whenever I look at my cp, i see some points, mine are around 19,6xx something. Those numbers never get changed when Ryan resets the public rep power numbers.
Why not just use those numbers instead of the numbers above the green dots.
Some people say this rep business is nonsense.
to that I say you are foolish.
I value my reputation here and appreciate all the favorable rep points I have earned. I also value all of you and your contributitions.
We are all here to learn and grow and do better.
Most of my rep points came from people appreciating my expertise or appreciating and thanking me for saying something that needed to be said.
To a much lesser extent, I have recieved some frivolous rep points.
I value these rep points because most of them were said with sincere gratitude from my fellow fcr's.
Mark, prior to this latest reset of rep power points, you had something like 180 rep points and I had 203.
Now you have 78 and I have 74.
Why do you deserve to leap frog over me?
Ryan? care to answer.
Not sure how that conclusion was reached... In order of rep level, Joe outranks most everybody here.But now that you point it out, it really doesn't make sense that you were quite higher than some members and now you are lower.
Not sure how that conclusion was reached... In order of rep level, Joe outranks most everybody here.
We all were 'adjusted'. :> Hey, I got demoted from 'Legend' to a 'whole other level' (I'm guessing Mezzanine. :> )
Uummm V, a joke ...
like cheque, colour, favour ... etceterour, etceterour, etceterour ...
Not sure how that conclusion was reached... In order of rep level, Joe outranks most everybody here.
We all were 'adjusted'. :> Hey, I got demoted from 'Legend' to a 'whole other level' (I'm guessing Mezzanine. :> )
Joe -
I don't have the answer about the difference, but let me add some food for thought....
The early years of this board, IIRC, members rarely, rarely used rep dots. For many florists, FC is their first (and perhaps only) experience in a forum. More than a few struggled just to register and figure out how to post. The rep concept? fuggedaboutit!
The increased use of rep dots of late doesn't take into account some of the long-timers with high posts counts who have contributed immensely to the success of this board.
Some of them keep everything moving along socially - with kind words to unanswered posts, active engagement in the intro threads (which takes a lot of time and helps build our community) and other contributions that don't generally generate approving rep points.
Others may not be as active in the last few months, but IMO their reps should reflect weight for everything they've done to get the board to where it is today. So, IMO a weight for length of time and number of posts here makes absolute sense.
mark, I am glad you chimed in.
Why did the system have to be reset?
Whenever I look at my cp, i see some points, mine are around 19,6xx something. Those numbers never get changed when Ryan resets the public rep power numbers.
Why not just use those numbers instead of the numbers above the green dots.
Mark, prior to this latest reset of rep power points, you had something like 180 rep points and I had 203.
Now you have 78 and I have 74.
I rank right behind you and bloomz, based on my internal reputation points, not on Rep Power Points.
What is the difference between the Reputation Points I see in my control panel and the Rep Power Points that are on public display?
I'll try again to explain the system. As LJVF said, we won't reveal the secret sauce, but here's the basic formula:
Rep Power =(Days of membership * (1/X)) + (Reputation Points * (1/Y)) + (Posts * (1/Z))
- Rep Points: Points are accumulated from other users who click on the reputation button. The more inciteful posts you offer, the more points you get.
- Rep Power: Determined by the formula above, rep power is the number of points you can give another user through the rep button.
As you can see from the formula, it is possible to give more weight to different factors. The power is displayed at the top of your posts as a number. Your points are represented by the green dots.
To keep the rep power on a suitable bell curve it is necessary to adjust the formula from time to time as posts and longevity increase. There have been many adjustments to the system over time, but only 2-3 major ones.
For clarity: points are never adjusted with the updates as they are cumulative, only power changes since it is based on a formula.
Joe, your questions have been answered in my post on Pg 6.
Don't confuse rep power and rep points.
I'm not I just want to know what the difference is and why their are two scales of measurement.
p.s. Ryan this is your sandbox and you get to make the rules. I am just asking what the rules are and a reason for the rules.
- Rep Points: Points are accumulated from other users who click on the reputation button. The more inciteful posts you offer, the more points you get.
- Rep Power: Determined by the formula above, rep power is the number of points you can give another user through the rep button.
Ah, how I miss the MONTE PYTHON troup on PBS and their HUMOR based on the disrespect of age old traditions.
Fore MEE, the green dots are meaningless. For some, it might be an ego trip while for others, it might be an aspiration.
The only thing, which really counts in today's REAL FLORIST WORLD is the GREEN BUCKS in their till, not the green dots on FC.
Over the years (since 1969) we have received numerous floral design awards from the old NY FLORIST CLUB (long since defunct), the old Metropolitan Retail Florist's Association (long since defunct), the NY/NJ Unit of Teleflora, (now the big Apple unit), and the old FTDA NY District 2A/2B, (long since defunct).
Add to that, several Golden Circle Award Plaques from our old FTDA as well as the FTD ONLY! plaques we used to hang on our wall behind our cash registers for all of our customers to see.
A Picture frame for TOTO's FTDA Flowers After Hours Concept still hangs on our cooler, but some days I want to take it down and on other days, I want to leave it stay. It was a GREAT IDEA and I was happy to help our old FTDA implement that program for US WEE BEES.
Various THANK YOU letters still sit in our file cabinet for participating in the Teleflora Bride's Magazine show as a contributing floral designer back in 1972, others for participating in various round table discussions with our old FTDA at Conventions regarding our SPECIAL MESSENGER DELIVERY $ERVICE features, and how to implement them.
Add to that, my Teleflora Column entitled "STRICTLY BUSINESS " back in 1981/1982 when questions were asked by other real florists and I was happy to answer them regarding, what we had learned on those subjects and passed it on to the Newbies in our industry.
All of those plaques, awards, citations, photo ops, letters, and commendations, quite frankly and in 2008, don't mean squat.
They are nothing I can cash in and nothing which really makes a difference in today's world of REAL FLORISTS.
In fact, they are memories of DAYS GONE BY and when WEE FLORISTS ruled the world with regard to FLORAL PURCHASES made by FLORAL CONSUMERS. US WEE BEES were KING OF THAT HILL! (back then)
Which brings the OLD TOTO DOG back to the GREEN DOTS!
DA DOTS, and in my umble opinion, DON'T MEAN A THING!
The only thing which really counts, for all of us on Brian's FC board, is that, WE ALL WORK TOGETHER in OUR EFFORTS to MAKE A DIFFERENCE for US!
And THE DIFFERENCE which, US WEE BEES need to work together for, is over the fact that, WE ARE THE COGS and WHEELS which make it all work, each and everyday.
To allow others (WSs, DOGs, OGs, Non-Local Phonies and any SKIMMER who is cloaked by those WSs) to use US as their highly discounted subcontracted vendors with their TOO LOW SRPs coupled with their expectation of our FREE DELIVERY $ERVICE, is a crime against our INDUSTRY and an outright insult to our INTELLIGENCE as well as our Love, Devotion, and Dedication to our customers and their needs.
It is time (in fact, long past due) that, WEE REAL FLORISTS stand up and be counted and TAKE OUR STAND and tell all of them that, " WE'RE MAD AS H-E-L-L, and we're not going to take it anymore!
As BOSS put it so succinctly: If you're advertising in MY LOCAL PHONE BOOK that YOU DELIVER TO MY TOWN, then, YOU BETTER BE ABLE TO DELIVER IT YOURSELF, because I'M NOT!
Which equates to REFUSE, REJECT, and take back what has always been yours to begin with!
In other words, and in the words of this old TOTO DOG and in our Land of OZ: " BEGONE, YOU HAVE NO POWER HERE! "
And, NO GREEN DOTS required for this ongoing message of HOPE as it pertains to ALL OF US working to together in our efforts to TAKE BACK what is RIGHTFULLY OURS to begin with!
As the GOOD WITCH of the North told Dorothy: " YOU HAVE ALWAYS HAD THE POWER! " Just put your Ruby Red Slippers together, click them three times, and say: " There's NO PLACE LIKE HOME!, There's NO PLACE LIKE HOME!, There's NO PLACE LIKE HOME!
Now, TOTO is standing here in his RUBY RED slippers (again) and my ankles are killing me, and YES JB and MARK, it is a KODAK MOMENT! But I am a stubborn SOB, and I will continue my mantra, and until such time, as US WEE BEES regain control of our own destiny.
This old DOG simply refuses to allow the WSs to wag this dog's tail!
On an UP NOTE, my son Michael will sing his version of " MY WAY" for your entertainment, because IN FACT, Old Blue Eyes, like MEE, insisted on doo-ing it all MY WAY, not theirs!
No. No single person here is right all the time about every aspect of running a flower shop. We have different interests, different strengths and offer answers based on our perspectives.O,K. using this logic (I know you will see the devils advocate, but other noobies may not) you should have your posts weighted more because of your contributions to the floral industry? yes? no?
There are plenty of wonderful, helpful posts from 'non-credentialed' members. Not everyone has the interest or the financial resources to go after a professional credential, yet they may have life experiences and design successes far greater than achieving AIFD, etc... (Don't get me wrong, I'm a big believer in the value of AIFD, AAF and/or PFCI membership, but it doesn't make members infallible.)Should AIFD, PFCI, FAM, lmnop... be weighted more due to the quality of your's or anyone else's expertise in this industry. Those letter mean something and thus should be valued.
It is! All that rep measures is contributions to this board, not lifetime achievement in the flower industry.I have been here for 2 1/2 years. Within the past year, we have seen a huge increase in the number of new members.
Why shouldn't their expertise be valued?
Joe, should one fabulous comment by Martha Stewart (if she showed up here) outweigh the hundreds or thousands made by long-time members who've make this community what it is?Afterall, it doesn't really matter how long a person has been here...what matters is the value of contributing commentary made by an individual poster, irregardless of their tenure. No?
Its the quality of the comment that does. wouldn't you agree?