Some people collect baseball cards or coins. I am a nerd and sucker for fine floral design sites. I collect websites of fine floral design. I am in the process of putting them all together by state now and will post it when I have it uploaded.
I want to thank the people here who have posted such sites and they make up about a third of my list. I want to spread the world with what flowers should look like, art and not something out of a cookie cutter book. I am passionate about our art and get upset when it is mocked and belittled. Flowers were once something special across the board, but when someone gets the generic vase arrangement, they think commodity and there is nothing special about that. I urge all florists to think art first, and not bottom line. Choose art and the bottom line will follow.
On this forum there are two types of florists. Ones who lean more to the art and the others that lean more to the money. Some florists here who lean towards art have a hard time understanding the ones who lean towards money and vice versa. I think because of this, there is a lot of fighting here sometimes.
JB is a friend of mine and is a dirty FTD hoe-bag and I happen to agree with Cathy here about images, but I am biased because I lean more towards the art. I respect JB a lot more than most people here because of his character and Jonathon is a great guy and businessman. In his mind, he is right too, because it's more about the bottom line than the art. So neither is wrong, I would just prefer somehting original over cookie cutter.
Plus, it is good for art type florists to have $ type florists around, it's a nice contrast and there is a niche for that. - Sometimes I think, I wish these FTD florists in my town would dry up, but it is so sweet to hear, almost daily, that customers are so refreshed to see a florist who doesn't carry the generic flowers that = grocery store commodity. - I have seen the wise old timers around here who started out art and moved towards $, because they were burned out on the trends, got comfortable and didn't evolve, but had a nice customer base to grow with them and the money kept coming in because their service rocked. There is always good and bad to everything, we just have to strive for wisdom to understand.... Like when i see that yellow TF happy cup thingy and think... wtf?? lol - but I am not the recipient, so I am not the judge.
Anyway, I'll post my directory of the world's best floral design websites soon so the art types can be inspired and the $ types can shake their heads at.

- So far omg, NYC, is on fire! And if anyone followed Pollen's site out of Atlanta, they took off that fun and funky music. I called and talked to the owner and told her I missed it. lol - she said her customers who would come several times during the month were getting tired of it.
JB in drag --------> :4luc: /howls