A little info...
Shooting for a January placement, once the holidays are over, and folks have time to pay attention.
While talking last night, thought of splitting the funding between SAF (reaches about 9K Real Florists) and Florist Review (the last independant industry mag) to get the best coiverage for the dollars spent, thus most likely a half page ad in each for the same price I outlined earlier.
Content is (currently) thought to include an explaination of FlowerChat and it's benefit to Real Florists along with a little about the FLoristDetective.com site to spread not only the word on deception but that there IS A GROUP of like minded florists with the best interests of the industry in mind.
The only way we are ever going to affect change is to multiply the voices carrying the message, and increase the Grass Roots effort that is slowly gaining momentum...
Going forward, I am self-funding (currently) the developement of an "umbrella site" to bring all segments of the industry together under one URL. I am not building a new FC, or a new FD but a place to bring the whole industry together in one place...more on that down the road.
I see no problem with having a "review" of the planned ad content, however keeping in mind space limitations I'm sure many will have ideas of their own which will need to be considered. The message for now, I feel needs to be of a rallying nature to get more florists involved.
I did a presentation yesterday developed by the Florist Detectives for the MFA Board, and I was suprised how many there, while they knew about some of the problems did not know about FC and FD, and these are some of the best florists in Michigan.
While the presentation (power point) was developed with a slightly Michigan attitude based on my location it went over well. Currently we are in the process of making a more generic version that will be made available to every state florist assoc and SAF as well as any Real Florist that promises to share it with others in their markets. Again, most likely available early January.
There is alot going on as we all know, and I feel it's time to make a concerted effort to grow the ranks of florists in the know, hence the placement of ad-editorials to garner attention, and let everyone know we are SERIOUS and not just a lot of hot air...
Again, thanks for your support!!!