I agree with you that the Auto manufacturers offered great pay, and great benefits, and all of america benefited. I am not bent on punishing them. I drive American cars, and am proud of the American workers and the economic prosperity this industry has helped to create.
However, Many years ago, the foreign manufacturers began to make inroads in the auto industry. (Honda, Toyota, Kia, and others). All built US plants, with lower wages, and lower benefit costs.
The Vehicles they build are: lower in # of styles/categories (for instance, we don't have the same platform building 30 different models of cars at Honda ).
When offered the opportunity to retool, regroup and downsize, the american auto industry said NO WAY, ......the consumer wouldn't buy it.
Costs continued to escalate.....and the escalation continues to all areas of their business....and there has not been any real legitimate retooling or downsizing.
Unions have a played a big part in this.
(And before you jump all over me, my father is a retired UNION carpenter....I worked in & for union based companies for over 25 years). I am from Pittsburgh, Pa, where some of the hardest fought battles over wages & benefits in the coal, iron and steel industry were ever fought.)
Along the way, and maybe from the very beginning, the Unions and managment have become "friendly" adversaries. To avoid a strike, or work stoppage, the companies have given in to virtually all union demands. And the Unions have demanded more....and more.
I am a firm believer that people should be paid well for what they contribute to the well-being of the company. People should have adequate health care, into retirement. People should have money to retire with.
Does that mean that each person should receive 13 weeks paid vacation every 5 years? NO, not in my book. But that was one of the things that the STEEL indstury gave to its union members, that carried forward for many, many years. If 4 people qualified for that benefit in 1 year, then a 5th person had to be hired to do their jobs while they were off....adding to the Union membership roles! Thus, an increase of 25% of the steel workforce in about 5 years time.
Similar benefits to the above also exist in the Auto industry.
And the UAW has no interest in reducing or giving back any of those benefits now, even if it would keep a plant open, because it could POTENTIALLY CAUSE THEM TO LOSE FUTURE MEMBERS.
I am not saying that there is not help needed in the auto industry.
They are in a mess right now.
But, when do the MARKET FORCES take control, and force, thru Supply and Demand, changes that need to happen?
When do the UNIONS and Management sit down together, and fix their own messes?????
I think the government bail out only masks the problems......and allows people to continue doing what they have always done in the same way they have always done it.....without actually seeking a better way to operate.
If GM, ford or Chyrsler are allowed to fold into bankruptcy, then it will happen. Every union contract will be forced to be re-examined; every plant operation will be looked at, and possibly be redone. Every benefit with be negotiated with the strong arm of the government overseer.
I think we all, in every industry, and I classify florists as a manufacturing industry, need to examine each and every day:
What we are doing, How we are doing it, How many people do we need to do it, and last....is there a less expensive way to do it.
And before someone rips into me, I do not, in any way, resent the steel, coal, auto or other manufacturing industry. They paid me well, while I worked there, and also helped to pay for my education.
I do think that the blinders need to come off, and people need to realize that there is no free lunch any more.
You should also know that I live in a city where the Transit union makes over $25.00/hour, and is threatening a strike (work stoppage) on 12-1-08......because a 3% raise in pay is not enough, and a some small deductibles, and paying part of their health insurance is too much to ask!! These guys are bus drivers, and trolley operators, making over $55,000/year + overtime on an average.....Some making as high as $100,000. (& I am not talking about management people.).
My family came thru the great depression.
I am a survivor.
I think the auto industry and its employees have forgotten how to dig in and survive. It's too easy to cry wolf, and hold out your hand.
Like Mark said, maybe we should all call our Senator, and ask how we can get some of this bailout money......I could sure use some, and I'm sure many others in the floral industry could too.