OK here's the problem as I could discern it.
On the motorcycle - it is very important that the nut that connects the handlebars with the seat is neither too loose nor too tight.
It must have been one or the other that fateful day.....
Thanks everybody for your kind wishes - it's great to have friends, many you've never even met and many I call close friends.
They opened up my knee completely - over 90 minutes of trying to get an IV in me and finally the dick anasthesiologist (sp? when) gassed me to sleep so he could brutalize me without me screaming and got one in me. More unpleasant than the whole deal. Yes I was screaming when he was gouging about in my foot with a needle that must have been the size of a harpoon.
Now as things have developed - the culture they took from my bone hasn't grown anything - and the internal doc told me he doesn't think I have bone infection (osteomelitis or something like that). But they are going to treat anyway for it, so with this PIC line I have in me - I brought home these little expandable douce bag looking things of antibiotics to plug into the line - 1 size of golf ball the other a hardball - 2 different ones each morning (at a cost of $165 each).
So I get 6 weeks of this, more pain meds for a while, and less than full effficiency I'm sure - laying in the recliner in my office.
I so appreciate all the good wishes and also well I came to and there's these flowers but something just didn't look right about these new flowers that had appeared - I look closer and wtf there are SCREWS in it on the end of chenile sticks? Well you're a bit slow when smashed on morphine I guess.....yes - took me a minute or four...the cute hippy sunflower with amaranthus hair deal - awesome and quite cute so thank you very much to the friends involved in that as well.
Ahhhh, another day in the life I guess.
Man I'm gonna have fun next summer, so this is all to prepare me for that.
Thanks guyz, luv to you all.